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Everything posted by fif1435

  1. Fabulous! Thanks for the tip!!! I didn't see this until a few minutes ago. Got tickets in row R. Not sure if that's going to be good or bad not as good, but I'm sure we'll have a great time. Thanks again!
  2. No luck trying to get reserved seats for Indy. I need 4 but couldn't get more than 1. Oh well. I'll wait for the general sale. If still no luck, I'll go with lawn tickets.
  3. Thanks for the info. The website currently says "free admission", so I assume that means no charge for seats?
  4. So I'm considering going to the Chicago Blues Festival in June. Primarily to see Gary Clark Jr. play. I don't go to festivals much, certainly nothing this big. Anyone have any experience with this or opinions on how practical this is? Do I stand much of a chance of being able to enjoy a particular performance? Any pointers?
  5. Hey Kidsmoke; that looks really good! I'll have to put it up for a vote at the book club* I belong to. Thanks for the suggestion! * A year or so ago, my daughter and I realized we had been regularly buying and reading books that the other already had. So we decided to create a book club to sometimes read the same book at the same time. So not really a book "club" since it's just the two of us, but it's fun to joke around about how exclusive our club is and who's getting promoted to club president, etc. We do enjoy trying to find a new book that both of us will be interested in and talki
  6. Just finished The Shining by Stephen King. The wrong holiday for a book like that, but I started in just before Halloween.
  7. Rather than listening to the usual political crap on my way into work today, I listened to the drone. On fairly high volume. And I think my morning is better for it.
  8. Accounting, in industry. I was unemployed for a few months earlier this year. That was rough. I can't imagine the much longer time out of work that some of you are dealing with.
  9. What a fantastic show! So much energy. WOW is the best I can come up with right now. Jeff's first comment early in the show was "We're happy to be here" or something similar. Which sparked a loud agreement from the crowd. So happy and thrilled that the show took place!!
  10. Holy Cow! I don't travel much so haven't seen them since the last time they were in Indy. I recently lost my job, but I'm going to check the couch cushions for the funds to make sure I don't miss this!! Thank you Wilco!!!!
  11. So this should probably be in the "now watching" thread, but oh well. Sometime in the past I read a book called "The Big Burn. Teddy Roosevelt & The Fire That Saved America". I'm sure I posted it in this thread somewhere. I thought it was a great book. Anyway, I see that PBS is showing a version of "The Big Burn" on The American Experience. For me, it's on Tuesday night (tomorrow) I'm really excited about it and looking forward to watching it. Just thought I'd share that. None of my family gives a hoot about anything "history" and how all those things from the past (be it yesterday
  12. Be nice to Indiana. Some of us actually live here! I'd look to Bloomington or Indy for live music.
  13. After about 19 in a row, this is the first school year to start where we have NOT sent a child off to school. High school, anyway. Don't blink; it really does go by fast.
  14. Recently finished this: I didn't know anything about it other than the author's name and the name "Holden Caulfield". Now that I've read it, I'm still not sure. I think the best I've been able to come up with is that I'd probably have a stronger feeling toward the book had I read it 30+ years ago. Anyway, I saw this guy's picture on a dollar bill I used to own, so decided to see what he's about. It's still early in the book but, so far, no mention of cherry trees or telling lies.
  15. Dammit. Not only did the US blow a great opportunity, but now I'm faced with figuring out how to keep on eye on the US-Germany game that starts at noon ET Thursday. Those of you, like me, that will be at work during the game, what are your options to tune in? Hmmmm....{cough} {cough}
  16. Heading to O'Hare tomorrow afternoon to pick up our Marine son. He's been overseas for about 2 years now (thankfully, not in a hostile area). So looking forward to having him home for a couple of weeks. I've been stocking up on a bunch of local beers and I hope we (including his brothers and the rest of the family) can carve out some time to just sit, sample, and catch up. In the meantime, we have a couple of high school graduation parties to attend AND continuing the prep work for our last high school graduation and party the following weekend. Kind of an eventful start of summer for us.
  17. There are 10 kinds of people in the world, Those who understand binary and those who don't A skeleton walks into a bar and orders a beer....and a mop.
  18. The book stated that the first and last person killed during the construction were father and son. The son was killed 5 years (I think) after the father...on the exact same day. Wild.
  19. Just finished this: Pretty amazing what had to happen to get this thing built. And some blatant exploitation of workers. But, hey, it was the depression. Still working on this: Interesting contrasts of people opposed to, and in favor of, going to war (WW I, that is). It's pretty good, but I got distracted by picking up this: My daughter seems to have these movies on perpetual 'play', but I wanted to find out how Tolkien writes about the scenes that I see in the movies and how Frodo is slowly being eaten by the ring, etc, etc. I don't read much during the summer months. Too many outsi
  20. I am not going. But am already kicking myself. Time and money, money and time.... I could make it work, but am sticking to my decision to save both of those and not go. But it's getting painful. Especially after looking at the number of seats that are still available (as of yesterday morning, anyway).
  21. David McCullough I'm a big history fan. Actually, I'm a fan of little history, too, if the story is well-written.
  22. What these guys went through is just horrifying.
  23. My daughter got me the first season of this as a Christmas gift. We had already watched these episodes together on Sunday nights, and it's been fun to watch them again.
  24. Up earlier than usual to vote before heading into work.
  25. In no order, and before I feel compelled to change the list again and again: All Down The Line You Got The Silver Torn and Frayed Saint Of Me Happy Gimme Shelter Stray Cat Blues Love In Vain Dear Doctor Jigsaw Puzzle Okay, now that I've typed it, my list mostly comes from just three albums. I better take another look....
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