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Everything posted by RaspberryJam

  1. I don't know if anyone's seen it, but I got a notice via FB that Wilco/Solid Sound made a Spotify playlist for Solid Sound. I had already made one for myself, but this is more compact and it's interesting to hear what songs they have spotlighted.
  2. Leo's in Williamstown is good for breakfast. Unfortunately, Adams is not really that close. We've found that we've eaten all of our meals except breakfast at MASS MoCA. If you want a real sit down meal, it's fun to eat at Grammercy Bistro, right on campus. But, make a reservation otherwise you can't rely on getting a table.
  3. I just saw on Pitchfork that Foxygen has cancelled all of its European dates. Don't know what that means for SS.
  4. I think it will be very interesting to see what they ultimately end up choosing. I would guess they will have to balance the weird, obscure, and seldom heard with some music that will be at least recognizable to the masses. Obviously they are up to not taking themselves too seriously with the whole concept, and sometimes it is fun to hear out-of-genre covers. I'll admit, the night I heard Moby play a few heavy metal covers was pretty enjoyable.
  5. I loved Short Sharp Shocked. I had it on a cassette taped from a friend's album. Something my friend said a month ago reminded me of Anchorage so I went and bought it off of iTunes. If I knew now what I knew then she would've never have gotten my money. On a related note, I saw her at the House of Blues in Boston when it was in Cambridge, 1997-98? I'm not sure which year. But it was an amazing concert! Exuberant and fun. She lead a conga line through the crowd. I'm so disappointed.
  6. My husband went on Friday to the Beacon and he and his buddies felt something was lacking, C+. I went with them last night, and the consensus was the Saturday was vastly improved over Friday. A+. Happily, Nels Cline came out and played as a guest on one song. I had seen that he was in Brooklyn on Friday, so I was hoping it would happen, since he was a guest last year as well. Unfortunately, I was running on four hours of sleep and a day full of following these guys around from bar to bar,so I probably wasn't enjoying it to my best potential.
  7. I agree! And I love that Wilco is the least controversial of the ridiculous new immortals.
  8. I was happy to see in previous years that the porta potties were plentiful and cleaned every night. It's tough when it rains, but there are indoor bathrooms in the basement under the lobby, not far at all from any of the action.
  9. They could totally lose Midnight Rider, though.
  10. That's a good question about jazz clubs where kids would be welcome. I would definitely call and find out. The Blue Note could possibly have music going on a weekend afternoon so that might be more youth friendly. We usually stay in Chelsea as well. It is perfectly located on the A/C/E subway lines so it is very convenient to get anywhere. Make sure you take a walk on the Highline and walk through Chelsea Market http://chelseamarket.com/-super breakfast to be had at Friedman's Lunch there. In midtown I like Valhalla for beer and Casalulla for food. 9th Ave is great for different restaur
  11. My husband and I (and friends) are going to the Beacon show on the 16th. My husband is also going on the 15th. We may go to the last one on the 17th, depending on who is rumored to be sitting in. We've gone most years. Super fun! Last year, Dan was able to catch our own Nels Cline playing with them. The only downside is the ticket prices!! Drinks are expensive inside as well. But there are no bad seats and the crowd is great, always very enthusiastic. You will love NYC, let me know if you need any suggestions.
  12. I'm overwhelmed with this year's bounty. I do hope they move the port-a-potties back to where they were for SSF1, at SSF2 they were just too far of a hike (with the good beer and all).
  13. Ugh. I wish I had one tiny bit of talent in this area.
  14. I would like to see them have Harpoon. It's relatively local and great. I was also happy to see them serving drinks made with Berkshire Distillery's products 2 years ago, so it would be nice to have that again. I remember a yummy Bloody Mary served Sunday morning
  15. Easily 2 ft here this morning, all roads in Connecticut closed. Doesn't matter, because the snow is piled that far up the door, so we have a full day of digging out ahead of us. Never lost power. It's still coming down a little bit. Tomorrow is going to be a great ski day!
  16. It just started in NW CT. We are supposed to get 20+" by the time it ends tomorrow night. We have food, flashlights, the snowblower, a generator/gas. We should be in good shape.
  17. I think Reggie Watts is fantastic-a true original. I would argue that maybe he is more of a performance artist; in the vein of Andy Kaufman. Google his TED presentation.
  18. It was cool. It was a sort of rehearsal for the cross-pollination they did to close out the Newport Folk Fest, but in a tiny little movie theater. I will be definitely looking to see if they schedule anything like that this year.
  19. I had a very good year. Highlights were: Dawes at Infinity Hall in CT-It was recorded for their Connecticut Public Television series so I have it forever on my DVR Fitz and the Tantrums in January in San Francisco-Just fun. Justin Townes Earle also at Infinity Hall-for the reasons above A cool after hours show in Newport featuring Conor Oberst/Dawes/First Aid Kit and special guest-Jackson Browne Blitzen Trapper at Arch St. Tavern in Hartford, CT Wilco several times, but the best at Hartford, maybe because it was only 1/2 hour from home, and I was able to rest my beer on the stage so I could cl
  20. He's really great and I enjoyed him immensely when I saw him earlier this year. I would love it if someone could show me how that is done without prerecording. I hear sounds without corresponding finger work. Does not compute, but I'm not a guitar player, so I'm totally ready to admit that I don't know what I'm talking about.
  21. I cannot get in!? WTH? Forget my panic. I got in and purchased 2.
  22. I just got an email from them, so it appears to be.
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