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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. Oh! Where did you get a copy of the audited financials prepared by a third party?
  2. I just think that a "charity" that calls for possibly illegal military action and whose financials aren't 100% transparent is fishy. But if you're cool with that, by all means, send more of our soldiers into a shitshow.
  3. Not a bumper sticker, but a metallic license plate frame. I saw this one last fall, I shit you not: I'd Rather Be At A Night Ranger Concert.
  4. So, are you pissed that you were duped by a snazzy video, or are you pissed that someone would dare look behind the curtain?
  5. Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives is a cool Thai flick from a couple years ago. It won the Palm d'Or at Cannes.
  6. I'm seeing Donald Fagen next weekend. He's playing in Levon Helm's midnight ramble. Very psyched.
  7. Really? The Catholic church has been against contraception since... oh about 2000 years now. But - the one thing that's being ignored in this whole issue is that birth control pills have many other beneficial health benefits for women other than limiting the potential for conception - and is prescribed by doctors as such. Anyway, I thought this whole thing was moot because of the recent compromise -that if private employers objected to certain health insurance benefits due to moral grounds, the insurance company was supposed to reach around (so to speak) to the employee and offer it thems
  8. Your reviews/comments/insights are always a pleasure to read, Beltmann.
  9. I finished this one last night: Excellent read. Brutal history.
  10. Social conservatism. A sizable chunk of this country leans that way, ya know...
  11. But look at what happened? So is the author assuming that everything in Cuba was just peachy before 1959? Cuba's always been poor, just like every other Caribbean nation. It has nothing to do with socialism, but everything to do with geography, climate, and available resources. Over 3/4ths of the "wealth" in Cuba, pre 1959, was foreign owned, mostly by Americans. The Cuban govt didn't confiscate wealth, they confiscated the property. The wealth was already offshore in foreign banks. I don't know what the best form of government is, but it's notable that the writers who attack socialism nev
  12. Romney is such a boob. He's pissed at Santorum for robocalling Dems to vote for himself. But Romney used to vote in open primarys for the weakest Dem candidate. ABC News’ Jonathan Greenberger Reports: Republican presidential candididate Mitt Romney offered a new explanation today for why he supported a Democrat in 1992. That year, Romney, then a registered independent, voted for former Sen. Paul Tsongas in the 1992 Democratic presidential primary. He told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, in an interview that will air Sunday on "This Week," that his vote was meant as a tactical maneuver aimed
  13. Can I assume that both Santorum and I love this album?
  14. Isn't it implied that he's saying his sample was contaminated during the mis-followed chain of custody? (and that he didn't pee all that testosterone in the first place?)
  15. Beatles Kinks The Clash The Pogues Stones Blur Madness The Specials David Bowie Mott the Hoople London band, so they definitely count.
  16. In the three times I've seen Byrne, there was plenty of Talking Heads material in the set lists.
  17. I've got: March: Fiona Apple April: First Aid Kit May: St. Vincent
  18. The point is: Why do we need a Education Department on the Federal level, when it's something that's handled on the State level anyway? Do we have Federal public schools? No.
  19. Holy smokes - had no idea that Hulu Plus had almost the entire Criterion Collection online. Stumbled upon it when I was checking out the free week you get when you start up an account. And when I say "almost the entire collection", the ones I noticed missing were the "bigger" films: No Wes Anderson, no Spinal Tap, no John Woo, no Gimme Shelter. But still, plenty of Kurosawa, plenty of Truffaut, Goddard, and other New Wave directors. Looked like 200+ films. Nice library. Edit - ok, so now I know the entire Criterion collection is 800+ films, so Hulu Plus is only carrying around 25% of the
  20. The thing that's ridiculous about the new budget proposal is the uproar from the GOP. Where was the GOP uproar when they were sinking us into record debt during W's term(s)?
  21. The sound on that doc is dismal. Too many times various instruments are just dropped from the mix.
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