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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. What's so hard to understand. "It's raining right now in Des Moines." I just made that up. I don't know if it's true or false. But it might be true. Moore is a dubious source of "facts," but just because he doesn't want to reveal his mole doesn't mean he's lying. Journalists protect their moles all the time.
  2. Short Rolling Stone interview with Phil, here. I found this interesting: What was the best part of the Grateful Dead's success for you? It was wildly successful for me until we took the break from touring [in 1975]. When we came back, it was never quite the same. Even though it was great and we played fantastic music, something was missing. What was missing? It's hard to pin down – a certain spirit. It would come back now and then, on some awesome evening, some particularly great performance. But that was even more frustrating, because it would disappear again for X number of shows, just d
  3. Interesting. Hadn't thought of linking the two together. Been a long while since I viewed Winter's Bone...
  4. Hillary has been putting out some good ads. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAKmtfTe2rc
  5. I really liked Blue Ruin. Didn't care for Green Room.
  6. He thinks he's tied with Hillary recently - at least he said so in the recent 2nd amendment gaffe.
  7. The one thing I look for in a national leader is whether or not journalists can figure him out. The less likely they're able correctly interpret what the fuck he's saying, the more impressed I am with that leader.
  8. I'd definitely swap out Steve Earle's Corazon for Transcendental Blues.
  9. This former Minnesotan is not pleased with not having the northern-most point in the lower 48 on this cool looking hexagonal map
  10. I'm not necessarily pro Clinton (I will vote for her, but voting in IL makes my vote redundant - I have no fear of Trump taking this state), but it would have to be something completely egregious and illegal for me to not vote for her. And if that were the case, I'd be completely depressed, because a Trump presidency would make me a stranger in a strange land.
  11. "Taliban supporter also a Clinton supporter" = Hillary is bad for our safety. - Is what I'd imagine her foes would cobble together from this.
  12. Apologies if this has been posted already (the original article is from July 24), but if Kaine's truly a 'Mats fan, then I'm all in. http://pitchfork.com/news/67032-tim-kaine-clintons-vp-pick-is-a-replacements-fan/
  13. Got the latest Dave's Picks in the mail yesterday. Will give it a good listen this weekend.
  14. Add this to the tally as well. This one might top them all. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/scarborough-trump-nukes_us_57a1e47ae4b0693164c347d0 Why can't we use nukes? Really?
  15. Don't forget that he insulted the capital of Pennsylvania too... http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/trump-harrisburg-war-zone-226591 Hell of a week.
  16. I would have assumed that the Motor City Madman would have been all about The Donald... No invitation to speak/rant at the RNC?
  17. Speaking of people who have gone missing/silent... Where has Ted Nugent been?
  18. It's so the party can maintain a degree of control over who their own candidate is. Obviously, if the superdelegates abused their power to such a degree that they were voting for someone who lost a primary vote in a landslide, they'd lose their credibility, and there would be serious repercussions from the party's voting base.
  19. Yeah, he hasn't been around for a couple months now. Too bad.
  20. My friend and I, when our significant other has gotten mad at one of us, always do Manuel's "She go... CRAZY!" It's been a long time since I've watched an episode. I'll have to rectify that.
  21. I always get a little bit giddy when I find out a setlist has Big Railroad Blues on it. Last Friday night I was up late, and an awesome thunderstorm was rolling through, so I decided to take it in from our screened-in porch. I brought out my portable speakers and popped in Dick's Pick #28 (shows from Lincoln NE and Salt Lake City - I really love this collection), watched the lightning show and had a fantastic night. This version of BRRB has Garcia just having so much fun - you can hear the joy. https://archive.org/details/gd73-02-26.sbd.kaplan.1208.sbeok.shnf
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