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Winston Legthigh

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Everything posted by Winston Legthigh

  1. That's too bad. The sound system at the United Center in Chicago (home of both the Bulls and the Blackhawks) was fine from where I was standing. The only time that the sound was extremely messy was during Bullet the Blue Sky - you couldn't tell what the hell was going on. Were they covering Metal Machine Music?
  2. Yesterday I was reading this recap of S2E4. http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2015/07/13/true-detective-season-2-recap-shootout/?em_pos=large&emc=edit_nn_20150713&nl=nytnow&nlid=70186580&_r=2 The line about the slow SUV made me laugh (because it's true!), but the article has a link to a scene from S1 - where it introduces Ledoux. I clicked on it, and was reminded why S1 is superior - it was SCARY. That shot of LeDoux out in the field with his gasmask on was creepy as hell. I don't have that same sense of dread about anything in s2, other than dreading another song from tha
  3. lawnmower man was just continuing to perpetuate the crimes - but it was Tuttle (the preacher who was the governor's brother) who had the horrific video tape (and he was killed to keep the secrets silent), and who provided the framework for it all. The sherriff was implicated because he called the investigation to be closed.
  4. Season 1's bad guys were a governor, a sheriff, and a televangelist - high society enough for me... Plus, season 1 had Alexandra Daddario's boobs.
  5. ha - yes, it's certainly possible. If this is all leading to some kind of high society ritual orgy / sacrifice thing, I'm already bored. Didn't we already cover that ground in season 1?
  6. Wow, you've definitely put more thought into your True Detective experience than I have mine... Not sure how Velcoro's kid being Semyon's wife's makes sense, but it make me laugh. There's something about fertility and the tainted soil. And I'm sure the story will come back to the missing woman from episode one. Dixon was in cahoots with the mayor/Vinci bad guys - I think he was there to gather dirt, and to make sure the case didn't go anywhere. I've yet to read a review that even mentions Fred Ward. Who doesn't love Fred Ward? I hope he has more to do in the show. I agree that Semyon
  7. I will. And thank you. I will also try to seek you out at Saturday's Pitchfork to introduce myself. I know you've mentioned that you're usually there in the record tent? I don't know Satie - but thanks for providing the lead. I will take it from here. Edit: Oh, of course I'm familiar with Satie's Gymnopedies and Gnossienes. It's just one of those things that I didn't know I knew. And the pleasures of digging continues!
  8. That's how I feel too. There's so much rich history to dig through. I've been listening to a lot of Debussy recently. There's so much beautiful music to discover. As Zappa put it, "Music is the best."
  9. Yay Pluto! http://io9.com/new-horizons-is-making-its-closest-approach-to-pluto-ri-1717571552
  10. No idea, but he was in that "5 years" - recently BBC-made 60 min. Bowie documentary that's currently showing on Showtime. I think the date on that doc was 2013, and the interview footage with Alomar looked recent. There was a segment in it, in which he recreated his signature Fame part, step by step with a delay pedal, and it was glorious. "You see, Lennon was in the studio, and he kept yelping, so I started like this (plays some chicken scratch), then I added this (starts taking shape), then this..." etc. Wish it was on youtube. Or, wish I could find it on youtube.
  11. I'm intrigued with season 2 so far, but it definitely pales in comparison to season 1. Not sure if it's the writing, or the acting, or a combination... The dreary witch w guitar lounge act always makes us chuckle, and I don't think that's the intention. I don't find any of the leads compelling (writing or acting?), and Vince Vaughn is particularly bad. But... I'm definitely intrigued, and I want to see how it turns out, so, there's that...
  12. Wow, those destinations are exotic. With two little dudes (0.5, and 2.5), I'm just looking forward to future camping trips. Though it looks like next summer we'll be parking the guys with my folks for a wedding trip to France!
  13. Fixed it for you. 4 postseason years in a row - not too shabby, but nothing to show for it either. That ninth-inning loss to the Twins was heartbreaking.
  14. sweet. I'll pay better attention this time. thanks!
  15. Dammit - wish I would have known about that!
  16. Dylan Roof's background check failed. http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/10/politics/dylann-roof-fbi-gun-south-carolina/index.html Good thing Scott Walker wants to reduce the 2-day wait in Wisconsin to same day service. You know, because the whole background check never fails.
  17. I wish I would have gone. We looked into going, (too late), but the only times we had free were either sold out or some other excuse - pregnant wife, out of work... Attending a Bowie exhibit got bumped down the priority list. There was a segment - immediately following his Philly Soul / Young Americans phase, where he said he was bored, and so then set out to "create a new language" resulting in Low. That kind of blunt assessment, and fearless declaration to boldly move in a new direction is incredible. I can imagine Mick Jagger, who I imagine as a shrewd and brilliant businessman, and not s
  18. Only because we have three free months of Showtime (I literally have never met anyone who has a Showtime subscription) - and I spent a few minutes of going through their On Demand catalogue - I found this: http://www.sho.com/sho/reality-docs/titles/3396645/david-bowie-five-years#/index It was an interesting 60 minute documentary. Check it out if you can.
  19. Jimmy Smith and Vince Guaraldi would like a word with you.
  20. I think they abandoned it, and released the GD movie soundtrack in its place.
  21. Sorry - meant no offense! I don't think I've even ever listened to Bear's Choice - I know it's generally poorly reviewed, like Steal Your Face... Instead of "worst way" to get into the GD, perhaps I should have said "albums least likely to be recommended" - like in some kind of Family Feud way. SURVEY SAYS! *ding*
  22. What would be the worst way to get into the band? Built to Last, then Bear's Choice?
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