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Everything posted by tangara

  1. fineart, I think you have to go to the XRT site and become an XRT VIP. Not sure, though. I'm in...dancefloor, baby!
  2. Oh, that would have been epic. How cool!
  3. Ticketmaster presale was noon central, right? No GA seats available.
  4. I went. Which sets did you like best? I loved Beirut. Thermals surprised me a bit. Ponytail was bizarre but kind of fantastic. Blitzen Trapper was close to perfect. The aftershow was good too, but I preferred the set at the park, probably because of the sunshine. Bummed I didn't get to browse Flatstock properly.
  5. I truly love Ryan Adams, but Cardinology is probably my least favorite of his records. And the quivery, cheesy vocals you describe are made doubly worse in the live show when Neal Casal chimes in. All of my boots from the last tour have Neal waaaay too high in the mix.
  6. If you have a good set of earplugs, you can usually get pretty close to the rail on the left side of the stage in front of the speakers, even if you arrive quite late. If you can get there really early, I like to watch from the front row of the balcony sometimes, too. Easy access to the upstairs bar
  7. And Jessica Lea Mayfield, at the Milwaukee date at least. Tickets purchased
  8. I might do Philly or Seattle. Probably not both.
  9. I should be getting there pretty early (3ish?) to tailgate and stake out a spot. I'll likely be wearing a bright purple hoodie...if you see me, come say hi!
  10. I read that elsewhere...where is the Coachella site rumor coming from?
  11. Is anyone else going to the Chicago show on Sunday?
  12. Heh, cool! I'll keep an eye out.
  13. I do too. And I think this answers my question from the other day...thanks, Analog! James also revealed that he's in the beginning stages of working on a full length solo record, but it's still coming to fruition. "It's not planned or mapped out; I'm just kind of setting up a home studio and star ting to get into that again. Sit around by myself and play stuff. I think that's in the works but it's hard to say when."
  14. So that site says "Full Length Solo Record Coming Soon". D'you think they're referring to the Harrison cover record, or a separate Yim project?
  15. Yes, good call. "Behind That Locked Door" is on Bloodshot's For A Decade of Sin, and I also have it on The Mother Lodge: A Tribute To The Rudyard Kipling, Vol. 1.
  16. The single is good, but so so slick. I hope they haven't sanded all the rough edges off the songs.
  17. Top sets: 1. Bon Iver. The singalong on The Wolves (Acts I & II) finally worked. The crowd was totally into it. The Dearland horns were a beautiful addition. And he covered "I Feel Like Going Home" by Yo La Tengo...greatness. 2. Al Green. He can still lay it down. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a bunch of Bonnababies conceived after that set. 3. Phish Friday. Incredibly tight set and so many great tunes. Sunday was kind of Bonnaruined by Bruce, IMO...he killed the flow of the set. Did we really need to hear "Glory Days" AGAIN? Good times. I'd go again next year.
  18. I didn't care for the Roo set. Just didn't grab me like the DBT stuff does.
  19. Is that who that was? How cute! Roo and Alpine shows were fantastic. I just got tickets for the Chicago date. It's like 1997 all over again
  20. I can't believe this is next week
  21. Ticket has sold. Thanks all for your interest.
  22. Yeah, I like this. Emotionalism is definitely the place to start.
  23. Man, that's jacked up. Poor Jeff! Glad he's okay.
  24. Beautiful lineup top to bottom. I highly recommend checking out Jesse Sykes and the Sweet Hereafter if you're not familiar with them. And I wish the Moondoggies would play anywhere other than Seattle sometimes.
  25. I wouldn't mind living there. I would mind paying $1550 a month for it.
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