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Everything posted by suites

  1. How Bout this guy. and the album Talk is Cheap and the Live shows with the "Expensive Winos" in case the photo does not show (i have no idea what I am doing)...We are talking about KEEF
  2. You are...wish I was too....family gets in the way (in a good way).
  3. It says on TM that it is the 15th Ann. for House of Blues tour
  4. Blame the Eagles. All these acts are pigs. Why single out the stones.
  5. Wow you learn something new every day. Never heard of that song or artist.
  6. Lefsetz does make some points but the Stones are still making out well. The promoter may take a big hit. I think he is little off when he talks about the performance (he added another blog today). Saying Keith plays like a 6 year old. I am going to see the show in Philly with my 20 year old and looking forward to it.
  7. How cool would it be to have Wilco back Dylan for 1hour...then play own set for hour..then play some more dylan....ala Band / Tom Petty Heartbreakers
  8. Whoever is in charge of music likes Wilco. In some other previous eps.
  9. We want some details please. A review?
  10. anyone know what time Wilco will go on...there is no schedule like they usually do for festivals...only the list. I have slim chance of going if they start late enough?
  11. Great show in Orlando. Sound was great. Standard set list. Pretty much all of the southern companion and many off the first. Sounded really good. I caught a few smiles from rich. Love the hard to handle / hush. First time at HOB in Orlando. Very nice venue
  12. Thanks for the review. On my way to venue for tonight show HOB Orlando. I am pissed that i will not get willin. Maybe we will get Dixie down or sweet nothin or stones.
  13. Calling BS on this. Show me the proof. Keef and woody plus the have keys and horns. Never heard of another guitar. Who is it?
  14. I saw FM a few years ago and they had that guy then as well...This is what I saw on a listing of who the touring band is now. The Band: Mick Fleetwood – drums, percussion John McVie – bass Lindsey Buckingham – guitar, vocals Stevie Nicks – vocals, tambourine Sharon Celoni - backing vocals Lori Nicks - backing vocals Brett Tuggle - keyboards, guitar, backing vocals Neale Heywood - guitar, backing vocals Many drummers use a click track anyway...including Neil Peart and Larry Mullen. Don Henley basically stopped playing drums like 20 years ago. Jeez, Roger Waters lip synced like cra
  15. I thought the CBGB was a clothing store now?
  16. Sweet...seeing tomorrow in Orlando. Have a great show. Tell Chris/Rich/Steve, I will be seeing them tomorrow night.
  17. pretty sure it is all standing there...no seats (FCFS).....but I could be wrong...good luck.
  18. Yes Indeed...got mine at Coral Sky, Mars Music, Sound Advice, Cruzan...Row k Right in the middle....going to be a great day/night.
  19. Ladies and Gentleman start your engines.
  20. I saw Dylan open for the dead a while back and he jumped up with the dead. Alabama getaway. Seen him at least 10 times starting with first never ending band/with ge smith and almost ever your since. In a different venue almost every time. He will play just about any venue. Got to give home credit for that. Def been weaker lately. I think it was around when he stopped playing guitar and started with the cheap keyboard sound. Still the man for sure. When he has one hand waving free.
  21. They already do that at many shows (Spiders).
  22. You going to Orlando....lets hook it up...I will be there...driving form SF.
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