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Everything posted by ih8music

  1. Just don't call it racism because, you know, that's too cheap and easy... and really is quite absurd in these learn'ed days of 2015. :eyeroll
  2. It's ok. They were all drunk. :eyeroll
  3. Dreamed about killing you again last night And it felt alright to me
  4. Woo hoo - finally a some non-festival headlining shows!!! A proper tour!
  5. To be fair, there are a ton of liberals in the anti-vax movement.
  6. That would make sense if you didn't have arguably the best running QB in the league and The Beast at rb who nearly scored on the previous play. I know hindsight is 20:20 but that call made absolutely no sense.
  7. Why the F did Seattle not just run the damn ball?
  8. Last time they were overhyping a storm (or so I thought) it turned into superstorm sandy. Hopefully this one won't cause as much damage -- at least it sounds like it's just going to be a shit ton of the white stuff.
  9. Best of luck. I was playing this one quite a bit this time last year, luckily i eventually got the goddamned job
  10. Kitchen remodel. Pool & landscaping in backyard. Solar panels w/ battery array. Oh yeah, job security too.
  11. And as much as I love Wilco, all of those bands "deserve" (whatever the hell that means) to be in the RRHOF before them.
  12. Another day, another round of Cheney lies and defense of torture. Smgdh.
  13. My sister got me a Sing Along With Mitch Christmas cd a few years ago. My kids absolutely love that crap and play it non stop. "IIII SAW MOMMY KISSING SAAAANTA CLAUUUSE. UNDERNEATH THE MISTLETOE THAT NIIIIIGHT!"
  14. By that same logic Osama Bin Laden was an innocent man.
  15. I don't make a distinction. If I were to order a hit on someone and was caught, I'd be charged with murder. Cheney and his gang orchestrated this entire program. This blood is on their hands.
  16. Please. So you think he bears no responsibility for our post 9/11 actions?
  17. Detaining, torturing, and in some cases murdering innocent people.
  18. A presidential pardon is immunity from any charges, past or future, at the discretion of the president. I agree that it would stain their reputation, but these assholes would wear it like a badge of honor. Did anyone see Cheney on Fox last night? Despicable, unrepentant, arrogant & evil. Can't wait for that man to die in the most painful way possible. Really.
  19. Hixter doesn't like taxes and thinks government is wasteful (and TX >>> CA). Shocker. Yet it seems like people aren't phased by the CIA torture report. Are we that jaded or do we think the U.S. operated in a legal and ethical manner in the immediate post-9/11 years?
  20. The ACLU is now saying that Obama should pardon Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Tenet, etc. to at least acknowledge that crimes were committed (since it's obvious that there's no desire to prosecute them). While I understand the argument, I don't think I could support that -- especially given how aggressively those folks have defended their actions. If they showed some remorse -- or at least acknowledged that they stretched the boundaries of the law -- that would be one thing. But as long as they're adamant that what they ordered was legal, I'd rather keep pressure on the POTUS to pursue legal action
  21. So... we tortured some folks, I guess.
  22. Not quite the same, but the first Mermaid Avenue album really opened me up to the brilliance of Woody Guthrie.
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