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Everything posted by nodep5

  1. Me too, both Unlikely Japan and Dark Neon are emptiness to me
  2. Stop Stop Stop, what is this "Lullaby of Rafters and Beams" you speak of my friend. And off the top of my head, Wilco songs post YHF that give me that feeling again... Either Way, ALTWYS, Hell Is Chrome, You Are My Face, One Wing, Bull Black Nova (there is more but that is without thinking)
  3. For me it is a combination of being young and music "hitting" me at the time in real intense way added with what I believe the peak for Tweedy in terms of natural songwriting pouring out of his veins. I was there with UT, but didn't get lost with Summerteeth (if anything that is the album that made me realize how great they were/not just some band). I love YHF, AGIB, SBS and possibly W(ta), but that same level of magic has never been there. I catch waves of it, but it is fleeting.
  4. I have at this time counted there to be around 34 studio b sides, soundtracks, etc releases by Wilco. I have purchased or accessed 31 of those tracks legally. (Those of you probably remember me pleading for those other two or three a couple months back.) Anyway, I have little sympathy for those of you patrolling around here with 3 posts looking for free music. I will say it again, I have NEVER illegally taken from Wilco when the songs or albums were available in a reasonable manner. (I'm not buying a compilation album for 30 bucks on ebay). I have a sad obsessed room of evidence on how muc
  5. SAD NEWS ALERT: I just went over the the Wilco house and apparently AM took off, leaving only a note that read.........."SUCK IT!" He'll be back someday. I just know it.
  6. I'm just shocked at how passionate we are about cycling???
  7. Here is how I see it from my perspective. Top spot:Summerteeth/Being There So so many great songs, so so effortless. Sincere, natural energy. Couldn't go wrong. Next rung: YHF/AM Great for certain times/places, but not what I need all of time. AM makes me nostalgic and I appreciate YHF on many levels, but both are a little out of their skin unlike ST/ BT Next rung down: SBS/W(TA) Sprinkles on Ice Cream. These are nice additions but without ice cream what do you have(you get it) Next rung down: AGIB Forced,mixed bag (the only Wilco album that I could see someone flat out
  8. Exactly! Yes it is an intersting read and adds some life to the same ol same ol album review. Unfortunately this guy is trying to be Lester Bangs and using the same old tricks. He is a good writer, but he wants us to believe that the music isn't worthwhile if the lead singer isn't screaming, shooting up, cutting self with glass or acting generally inappropriate in public. Tweedy is boring for caring about subtlety and nuance and melody and songcraft? And the whole bit about how he needs to be an out of control drug addict, crappy father figure, who is out of control is tiresome. I never
  9. This is just priceless. I love the part of my country I grew up in and call home and my favorite band being blatantly made fun of just for the sake of some pompous elitist asshole feeling good about himself. Nice.
  10. Sweet record, not disappointed in the least. I didn't expect it to trump my favorite Wilco records, and that is ok. My only issue is with the over the top aspects of "Everlasting Everything" (I think that song could have been beautifully understated. No other issues and cmon people "You and I" is sweet in every way. Allow yourself to feel some 70's am vibes.
  11. Like any good obsessed Wilco fan, I have been tracking my Wilco album across the country via USPS. According to the USPS my Wilco album was processed and shipped on from Kansas City Mo facility at 2:30 am Sunday morning. I live in Columbia MO (2 hours away). I'm getting my hopes up that it was at the Columbia Post office this AM and being sent to my door as we speak. I hope I'm not setting myself up for having to wait one more day. Why can't a grown man wait patiently?
  12. I think the rest of the album is much more memorable than "You Never Know". "You Never Know" feels like Wilco on autopilot. It is smooth and catchy but a little lifeless in a way. The kind of song that they could naturally write any day of the week I would imagine. I hope it will sneak up on me some day. I had a similar reaction the first time I heard Ryan Adams's "Two" off of Easy Tiger, but at some point, it hit me how freaking amazing that song is, in a singer songwriter/song structure/lyric way. I think I like the message (if you will)of "you Never Know", but it just seems like cruise
  13. they were tight and the sound was perfect. I like the new album based on hearing it a few times on the stream and I think "You Never Know" is a real nice pop song rooted in classic rock. However I don't feel a great deal from that song. In fact it is similar to how I felt about "Heavy Metal Drummer" "The Late Greats" and "What Light" Pleasant but not blowing me away. I think the best chance Wilco ever had for a true single to catch was either "Shot In The Arm" or "I'm A Wheel". I was always shocked that they didn't really push "I'm A Wheel". Now that song gets me moving when I hear it.
  14. The album is now pushed back to Sept. Why oh why? What is going on boys?
  15. No it shouldn't and now I have to go back to the laboratory and recompute my calculations. I'm glad you like the song, because I know I get tired of Wilco fans on this board talking about how much Wilco sucks!
  16. I know you are in all seriousness I like both Wilco's too. I'm just not going to sing praises on a songs because they threw in some electronic vocals and bleeps.
  17. This is a good B-side in that it doesn't fit anywhere else. As for the praise about this song, I love how this songs becomes the perfect example of two distinct Wilco fan camps. Wilco fan camp #1 (like the song oriented Wilco and generally likes the new album because it is full of nice melodies and solid songs), generally speaking were likely fans from the start and have noticed the one constant has always been Jeff's ability to write pretty melodies. Wilco fan camp #2 (likes the more "experimental" Wilco and thinks SBS and WTA are pedestrian). They draw comparisons to "Unlikely Japan" and
  18. All of this would be resolved if Wilco would put mp3 download coupons with the 7" single. Subpop does it, and it makes sense to me.
  19. I don't know, but I ordered the same way you did, with the exact same thinking. It's cosmic.
  20. So what is the earliest this album will arrive in my mailbox. I pre-ordered SBS and I believe that arrived exactly on release date. I have had experiences with some pre-orders arriving the Saturday prior to release date. Of course I've also had some arrive a week later. This should be a fun week none the less. My "You Never Know" 7" should be arriving by WED and then (the album) sometime soon. OH boy!
  21. http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2009/jun/19/jeff-tweedy-puts-wilco-back-course/ interview with Tweedy
  22. Scud Mountain Boys Massachusettes What a moment, one the few times that I heard something in a situation like that and instantly was taken.
  23. Bright Eyes "i'm wide awake" nice choice! Band of Horses "Everything All The Time" The Avett Brothers "Emotionalism" How'd I forget that one? my fav of 2007 Beck "Sea Change"?
  24. Gillian Welch "Soul Journey" Pedro The Lion "Achilles Heal" Sun Kil Moon "Ghosts of The Great Highway"
  25. you managed to list all albums I've never heard. Off the top of my head, Ryan Adams "Heartbreaker" / "Love is Hell" Wilco "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot" Josh Ritter "Animal Years" M. Ward "Transistor Radio" Iron & Wine "Our Endless Numbered Days" Dolorean "You Can't Win" Beachwood Sparks "Once We Were Trees"
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