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Everything posted by nodep5

  1. Radiohead "Faithless The Wonder Boy" B side of Creep I believe I don't even really care for Radiohead but this song was awesome when I was 16
  2. I would agree that expecations can kill initial listens. That is likely why no Wilco album will ever floor me like Being There did. I was a huge fan of AM, but that album didn't lend to great expectations, so I was just expecting more simple, fun, cute songs and then I hear "Misunderstood" and you think, "is he screaming at me" Now that was wild at the time. I also agree with the post about your own personal stuff that is happening when you first hear a record. I really like Cardinology (which puts me in the minority) but I think it was at a time where songs like "Born Into A Light"
  3. I realized after I submitted that post that I was probably drawing a line in the sand with age that was making a lot of assumptions. That would have been cool. It was cool the first time I heard it at the age of 23 in the late nineties. But I already had preconcieved notions about Neil and his music so it is not the same.
  4. Man this has got me thinking about the first moments of a record. Wouldn't it be cool to have been alive and put on Neil Young's Harvest and heard the opening seconds of "out on the weekend" when it was first released. Man some records just draw you in. Son Volt's "Windfall", now there is a start to a record. This is starting to sound like John Cuszack first side first song crap.
  5. I find the older I get, the moments of first time feeling it are fewer and far in between. I have a few albums that were instant tear provoking (literally) first time experiences Wilco Being There Whiskeytown Strangers Almanac Sun Kil Moon Ghosts of The Great Highway These three initial listens were profound Now I can think of one record that took about 6 months before I totally became obsessed and that was Love is Hell by Ryan Adams. Upon first listen, especially hearing "political scientist" I was appalled, but I went back to it and (with headphones) truly became wierd about that re
  6. I don't know about ya'll, and since I don't see much discussion about some of these releases, I guess I'm the only one excited. Gave my first spin to Ready For the Flood this morning and overall I enjoyed it. Upon first listen, I love the vibe, and about 5 songs sound really strong and the rest are extremly pleasant. Beside the chorus to Bicycle I'm digging it. I'm looking forward to Ben Kweller's Changing Horses next week. Heard a few of the tracks live on Daytrotter session. It is being reported as a country record. I've like the majority of Ben's stuff so that sounds like music
  7. Please Tell My Brother- Golden Smog Not my favorite guy and guitar song of all time, but I just heard it this am and thought it applied and is quite moving
  8. nodep5

    Is it wrong

    XM the Loft (channel 50 I believe) They have also been on the Starbucks channel which has a different name now that I can't remember But the Loft plays Wilco sporadically.
  9. nodep5

    Is it wrong

    XM does play Wilco (not enough) but they play Wilco Secondly if you feel like a wierd fan boy check out the book Neil Young Nation it is an awesome fanboy obsessed book!
  10. Women w/o Whiskey is outstanding, but alot felt forced to me. Trust me, I'd had just left Bham Al a year prior to this release and I was hoping it would be all of the south to me, but it just felt forced. Three Alabama Icons is essential however.
  11. I have that, and ya know (not being a good Wilco fan) played it once and never again. Am i missing out or is it as I remember just a bunch of noodling and "experimenting"?
  12. I dig Panthers except the ending piano lick makes me think of the original Planet of The Apes when the bad apes are about to comb the corn field for the humans. Now most importantly what is this "HIGH HEAT" you speak of?
  13. Ok, don't start with Southern Rock Opera. Yes it made them known and got the attention (for obvious concept album reasons) but is doesn't have anywhere close to their strongest songs. The Dirty South be my pick. Now why all the hate for Blessing and a Curse? I love that record. Space City, World of Hurt, Blessing and a Curse. Man o man cmon yall
  14. His song "White Daisy Passing" is a must have. It is sadly beautiful and will not disappoint. However, I have found little interest in anything else he has done.
  15. I hear you on the feeling you wasted some money. I've been to a few Ryan Adams shows myself and on two occassions thought they were some of the best I've ever seen from anyone and on the last occassion is was embarrassing and almost bad enough to question my fandom. That being said I'm holding my breath for the show in feb I have tickets to. I just think that unruly fans are either drunk/high/ or self involved to the point that they can't stand someone else (the performer) getting more attention than them. Hey, your life (speaking in general) and whatever the hell you are talking abo
  16. This whole concert discussion is kind of interesting. Yes, I think he brings it on himself by broadcasting his fragile emotions to the world. And in the past by playing shows out of his mind on God knows what, and subsequently acting and behaving on stage like he is out of his mind on God knows what. But aren't the individuals who pay 20 to 25 bucks to go see Ryan to yell Freebird at him or Summer 69 at him equally if not more screwed up. I mean, who does that. I guess if you are equally messed up on God knows what, but just get messed up at home and save your money. Concert behavior is
  17. not to tell you what to do, but just approach Magick for what it is, and it is good for what it is. That is why I think Ryan has so much talent. He can do it all at a drop of the hat, while (IMO) be completely Ryan Adams. Anyway. I use to say man I like Easy Tiger but Halloween Head is lame and the same with Magick. Then (I think I told this before) I saw my two year old son loving the hell out of Magick and it helped me get it on that level.It is Fun!
  18. Someone mentioned earlier getting scared everytime this thread pops up at the top of the threads. I agree. I hope he finds some comfort (in a healthy way) If he could just see that he has enormous talent and focus on the people who reinforce him instead of focusing on the detractors ................I don't know. He just gets so worked up by the outliers. Self worth is a true pain. We all struggle with insecurities, I just wish he'd shut it down as far as broadcasting them publicly, because it seems to feed the negativity instead of the opposite. I still rock the hell out of Cardinology
  19. I agree completely with this 100%
  20. I had only heard a few Fruit Bats songs prior to seeing Eric Johnson open up for Iron & Wine/Band of Horse back in the day. Eric just played a solo acoustic set. He played Pink Floyd's "Fat Old Sun" off of Atom Heart Mother and that sealed my interest. That being said, I really liked Mouthfuls, but Spelled In Bones never felt as strong, I think Eric's vocals were a little much on that record. Kind of like a more annoying version of the Shin's lead vocalist. I didn't hate it, just too much at times.
  21. That is it..........................how so?
  22. Sorry if you clicked on in hopes of a discussion about David Bazaan I just started listening to music primarily with headphones and I find myself enjoying things to a greater level. Has anyone else noticed how much more you pay attention to nuances and lyrics? Just listened in the past day to Wilco Summerteeth and Buffalo Springfield's Last Time Around. Wowee Zowee neato!
  23. I apologize, and you are right. Sometimes when it comes to music I get pissed about what I hear vs. what others hear. I can get overly passionate and disrespectful with this and it is childish and stupid. Very few bands cause this response in me, and U2 is one of them. I think it is just Bono, but that is not the point. I should have not even read the thread in the first place, since I knew the reaction I would have. Alright.
  24. Can we start a thread about bands/musicians that you'll never GET I swear I will never get the love for U2. They have had a number of listenable tunes throughout the years, but what a bunch of overblown pompous crap. To me the whole Zooropa (sp) was the best. It was half serious with cute little tunes. A Beautiful Day? I'm sorry if I'm downing someone's thing, because I hate when people say stuff like Ryan Adams is just a spoiled brat, but I really struggle with U2. Other bands I don't get: (I'll leave off Radiohead post OK computer because I will get enough backlash with my U2
  25. What's the point in rooting against them? I think someone said it earlier in the thread, what is not to like? I'll admit they don't blow my mind lyrically, but the overall sound is beautiful. Also playing with ones beard can by a nervous thing.
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