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Everything posted by imsjry

  1. I lived in Elgin for 9 years and worked in the city. 4 hours minimum in the car every day baby! This is why I now live in Wisconsin.....
  2. no offense, but excited and acoustic Foo Fighters in the same sentence just sounds odd. Yes I have heard that cool acoustic Everlong they did, but a whole show by them this way does not interest me in the least, especially when I just want to see Dylan. The crowd mix should be interesting to say the least. Can't wait to hear what the 13 year old girls think of Bobby croaking out Lenny Bruce or Sugar Baby.
  3. I don't know! This has bothered me for years. I eat, sleep, drink music and since I can remember I have been brought up to think this is one of the best discs of all time. I have owned it since I was a kid and every year give it at least one spin, and everytime it leaves me totally flat and annoyed. I must say I do not like the Beach Boys at all, but I can appreciate a lot of music that I personally don't like to listen to. Maybe I need a Pet Sounds intervention.
  4. Now THIS is the news of the day!!!! How great is that last track on this CD!? A new masterpiece from Bob...
  5. Crap, Madison gets the freaking Foo Fighters What wacko put this tour together? And what the heck is the Sears Ctr in Chicago?? I've only been out of state for 2 years and I've never heard of it.
  6. Man, I saw The Beta Band twice at The Metro in Chicago and thought they were fantastic both times. I will really miss that band. They should have been huge!
  7. I am going to go out on a limb and that I have always hated this album. I NEVER understood the praise and still don't. I keep thinking as I get older I will "get it" but it never happens. Is it just a production thing for people?
  8. That one sounds like filler to me big time. First of all, it's a cover that has been done to death, right? Actually, that is the only one that I don't like at all.
  9. So this thing has leeked and not one review on it here?? What's up with that? I had no idea it was out there...
  10. NO love for Electr-O-Pura??? I think that is my favorite next to I can hear the heart...
  11. That is the correct answer!!! Mars Vola is SO boring I can't stand it. The music sounds so busy but there is really nothing going on in it. I really dislike them....
  12. That was the most pointless article I think I've ever read. This is actually news that Dylan has her name in a song??? I'm sure it's just another crazy inside Bob joke that only he understands.
  13. Well, the track is called So Many Roads. Have you listened it?! The most moving Jerry vocals I have EVER heard. I listen to that and I hear a man singing as if his life depended on it. It is very hard for me to listen to.
  14. The weirdest thing about that is Phil Lesh has been playing a couple of Adam's song every night with Joan Osbourn singing them. Phil apparently really likes Ryan.
  15. Acording to a post by Ryan, this is just as demo he had laying around. NOT new material or anything. That said, I think it rocks! But I liked his Rock and Roll record so what do I know. Anyone catch his set at Lollapolosa?? It was fantastic! The torrent of an ASX file is up at the RyanAdamsArchive.
  16. Back to the topic of the thread, here are some rants from the other day..... Here's Adams replies to the total bashing he was taking over there about the short show in Knoxville. KNOXVILLE TRUTH Author: Ryan 7/27/06 4:32:43 AM the reality is...every show has a curfew. fucking fact. I keep seeeing or hearing this childish bullshit and i will settle it for once and for all. The Venue or whatever venue we are playing, have employees. they have staff. we have a roadcrew and driving time and onyl so many hours to get our equpitment rig packed before these people go home. Also thea
  17. Well, he recently said that Lost Highway just rejected the 3 discs he just recorded so who knows....
  18. Yes, I'm way late to the party on these guys but I cannot stop listening to their newest CD. Sort of like an Arcade Fire/My Bloody Valentine/Polyphonic Spree mix. They sure don't sound like anyone else out there. I'm off to get their debut next. If it is half as good as this new one, I'll be in heaven. What is the consensis around here on this band?
  19. Very funny... Here's mine: 1. Fables of the Reconstruction 2. Murmur 3. Life's Rich Pagent
  20. I would bet "normal" now is actually downloading instead of going to a store to purchase music. Look at the sales figuers for the last Springsteen or Chili Peppers discs. I'd bet the people that downloaded those discs instead of purchasing them is double that. I'm not saying it's right, just the way it is these days.
  21. I agree. After 5 or so listens this disc iseems no way as strong as the rest of his catalog. I hope time and more listens with prove me wrong.
  22. It is good but I don't think it is as good as those. I must be the only one in the world who loved Last DJ and Echo! The final track on Last DJ is just fantastic.
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