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Everything posted by gogo

  1. For fans of teh tea: I've never even been here, but just based on this review, this may be my new favorite restaurant.
  2. I know!!! Also, this: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...c=24402&hl= Unfortunately, I will be out of town Oct. 6-8.
  3. Now we just need to work on getting Andrew out here...
  4. Leftovers from Jen's thing on Saturday. Ground beef + lots of veggies = chunky garden style meatloaf!
  5. You are the only person who could appreciate the momentousness of this event: I made a meatloaf last night. It was officially "not bad". . Heidi, send me dimensions for the splint cozy, Mom will have it to you by the weekend.
  6. Evonne, if you can be here by 2:00 on Sunday, you're also invited to my grandma's 90th birthday party! How much more incentive could you possibly need?!?
  7. If either or both of you make it to SF, I will be there! (despite my less than stellar show attendance record of late...)
  8. Yes, Judy, there are wage and hour laws, at both the state and federal level. There's also the Family Medical Leave Act (thank you Bill Clinton), which primarily allows people to take unpaid time, and to know that their job will still be there when they come back from extended periods of time away for work, for family and medical issues (including childbirth and adoption). I'm not sure exactly which laws cover non-discrimination against mothers specifically, but I think EEO (equal employment opportunity) laws against discrimination on the basis of sex or gender would cover that. Probably a
  9. There's a new clause in the contract that my union just negotiated that pretty much says no one can be discriminated against based on "parental status". Which works both ways; no one is going to be denied a promotion because they had to take a few extra sick days to stay home with their kids, but people without kids aren't going to be expected to spend more time traveling, for example. We'll see how that works out in actual practice...
  10. What's the $ amount on lost productivity due to excessive non-work-related internet usage?
  11. She was totally right. Once, while googling something entirely unrelated to Weird Al, I stumbled upon the equivalent of VC, for him. They do the posting-set-lists thing, and talking-about-what-he-was-wearing thing, and wondering-when-his-next-album-will-come-out thing, just like we do! In my living room. And it gets big love from everyone who sees it.
  12. Oooh, love Jill Scott! I'll check it out just for her.
  13. I don't know, my track record has been less than stellar recently.
  14. Does your state ID say that you're a US citizen? My mom had a California driver's license for 30 years before she became a citizen. A passport costs considerably more than $15, and takes a bit more paperwork to get than a state ID does.
  15. I received a call from that show, and I still have that on my voice mail.
  16. And one of these days, I'll meet Polly! Judy, I hadn't even considered how she'll react to the baby. Good luck with that one...
  17. That's Chico, a rescue dog, on the day the kids got him about two years ago. My sister picked him out specifically because the description said "good with kids", and it couldn't be more true. He's incredibly protective of them, to the point where he doesn't even like to see their dad rough-housing with the girls. He's now called Mr. Chico Lico, Mr. Lico Bico, or sometimes just Beeks.
  18. gogo

    Pieholden Suite

    Rare YHF Studio Banter
  19. Andrew, there are loads of Irish in Butte, Montana (and probably elsewhere in the state, too). Many worked in Butte's copper mines, and a whole bunch of them moved down to San Francisco when the mines were played out. A big part of San Francisco's history as a strong labor union town is due to the Butte miners, who worked and unionized on the waterfront. That was my grandparents' generation, lots of their friends were second-generation Irish-Americans who had grown up in Butte and relocated here. I'm in an Irish fife and drum band which was founded in Butte in 1917, and came to SF in the
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