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Everything posted by gogo

  1. I know! We're going to be gone that whole weekend.
  2. I'm keeping up my long-standing tradition of being out of town when all the good Litquake stuff is happening, so I won't be able to go to this.
  3. Right now, wilco hq is Viewing Topic: Jeff likes "Shark-Shaped Great White Lemon Ice Popsicles". What must they think of us all?
  4. Artistic director, photographer's model... is there anything you can't do? I'm looking forward to Donna's pics. I had to google this!
  5. Catching up on the RTT: I would!!! Also: I fully endorse kidsmoke, and Tom, and Andrew, and wish I could be there with them right now. Also also: I'm considering posting a sternly-worded new thread in the BT forum, putting on notice anyone who isn't connectable.
  6. Baby Wilco made it! New photos are up: http://wilcoworld.net/photos/0706.php
  7. It's about a kid growing up in Chicago in the 50s, and going to Catholic school. Very funny, I enjoyed it as a non-practicing Catholic, but it would probably be even better for a non-practicing catholic from Chicago. There's a section about two kids with Osgood Schlatter, and I always thought that it was a fictitious disease. It's just such a great name for a disease. Edit: I had to check this out on Amazon. I would have assumed this was out of print, but apparently it was reissued in paperback last year. Also, one of the reviews says that this book is sold in catholic bookstores, which
  8. I knew that sounded familiar! Trish saw that at Telluride!
  9. Shut up! You do not! Really, though? I've never heard of anyone actually having that. Have you read The Last Catholic in America?
  10. I'm enjoying the baby pics. Nice work, all you breeders!
  11. There was a great line a couple of weeks ago. The medical examiner that Lenny was always flirting with mentioned that she'd been to the opera to see Aida a few years ago, and it was the best night of her life. Then she looked at the cops, smiled coyly, and said, "Lenny Briscoe took me."
  12. Yeah, I understand the "he's a genius" premise, I just think they should make it easier for us non-genius types to follow the plots!
  13. I'm with you, Sarah, I like him. About half the time on Criminal Intent though, I'm saying "wait, how did they make the leap to that guy? You mean they tracked him down just from finding that jacket with the funny smell...???"
  14. I KNOW!!! I love the running one! The blonde kid is a cousin, and since he wasn't actually in the wedding, it really might have been a bit odd if he had gone for the same color scheme. There were some at first, but now a lot of it has been extended to friends and family, too. Which I'm OK with, as long as the friend and family are also OK with it.
  15. I'll give it a shot, then. And I don't give a shit about all the crap in this thread, I like it.
  16. You may want to start being extra-nice to Dreamin' Judy.
  17. Will this be Quality Television? Never saw the movie, but the book was a big hit around our house.
  18. Good gravy, people. It's the post-a-picture thread. What the hell?!? Also:
  19. Sarah, this guy sounds like an asshole. Are your guitar lessons for school credit, and if so, can he even do that?
  20. It's certainly got war stuff in it. But don't go in thinking of it as a war movie. Before he married my sister, my brother-in-law and his roommates used to watch that movie every night. They also got that Olympics Triple-Cast thing that one time.
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