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Everything posted by gogo

  1. From mine too, but I still managed to miss it! Hee! Nice stuff! Looked like we missed a very pretty weekend here. It's not summer in SF without that blanket of it... The Chronicle's review, with some decent pictures. You've got to hand it to Warren Hellman.
  2. Have you seen this site? http://www.rwin.nl/ Check out the discographies section.
  3. I think the recapper on Television Without Pity did a better job of describing my reaction to this show than I could (major spoilers below, for anyone who hasn't seen it yet): I can't say I was surprised when the quarterback got injured, but I haven't held my breath that long for a fictional event in a long time.
  4. Seriously? It's amazing to me that the American public is keeping Deal or No Deal on the air, yet the gazillion fantastic reviews for this didn't do the trick.
  5. If I recall, there were lots of Irish names being tossed around in the Name My Dog thread, so I'll just throw in my two cents on this one: Declan. Best Irish boy's name. Do it!
  6. Those would be great band names! The real story sounds even better, though. Congrats!
  7. gogo

    First Show

    a. Yes. b. No, not in my experience (I've never been kicked in the head by a camera-shy Wilco anyway, so I'm taking that as a good sign). Sometimes the venue doesn't allow cameras, though. It's a good idea to call the venue to check on their policy, and then be prepared to be told when you get there that whatever you were told the policy was when you called, that's not really the policy, and then maybe to be told several different versions of what the policy "really" is before getting inside (and then, even if you've been told it's OK to take pictures, to have the security guards up front
  8. Great guest spot as the "pink mist" guy on Grey's Anatomy last year, too.
  9. Actually, something closer to this poster: That's the same artist, but he doesn't have the more recent ones on his site yet. Something more along those lines, though.
  10. I've never met the man, but sometimes it feels like he's my constant companion on the VC tracker.
  11. Bridget, I just had to go and check my ticket to be sure! We've got tickets for the show at the Fillmore here, but as far as I can tell, they're headlining. Sucks to find that out at the last minute, but it sounds like you had a cool (pre)birthday night out anyway.
  12. I'll bet you could! My mom's been teaching the girls to knit, and Sinead is going to join the knitting club at her middle school. Of course now I wish I'd paid attention when she was trying to teach my generation... Roisin is now taking flute lessons in school, so I'm dusting off my old flute (untouched since college, probably), to see if I've still got it. I've even found a book from my elementary school lessons, "Easy Duets for Flutes", so Ro and I can maybe work on some together. So I may be making music again, if that counts.
  13. Condolences and much love to all the Tweedys, from all the McCormicks.
  14. I don't think it's even necessarily a question of having to get to know people before you can see them as individuals. You are who you are, and if people who see you on your travels, but don't get a chance to meet you, are judging who they think you are, that's to their shame.
  15. Isn't that one of the things that travel can do for us, allow us to meet people and let them know that we're individuals with our own political viewpoints, as well as getting a chance to see them as individuals?
  16. "I think I know what it is. I think you're jealous that I'm getting married and that I'm getting all the attention."
  17. "I had this totally bizarre dream last night, and you were in it."
  18. I sat down with the kids last night to show them the Eschers. They loved them!
  19. Jahilia, I'm finally into this one. I don't think I'm getting all of it, but maybe by the third time through...
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