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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. i forgot about Robyn Hitchcock.... i've seen him at least a dozen times.
  2. The Church...should be interesting w/o Marty Willson-Piper, though Kilbey's been the only constant...MWP has left before, as has Koppes. but yeah, i really like what Marty brings to the table. still, should be a good show and am really excited to hear one song they've included in the set list (sneaked a peek at setlist.fm and they've been playing this particular song each night).
  3. before i started shooting almost ever show i've seen (2006), i have to rely on dodgy memory.
  4. without having specific numbers, i think i've seen these bands at least ten times each: Neil Young (in various guises) Sonic Youth (not counting solo shows or side projects) Yo La Tengo Kurt Vile Melvins Wilco
  5. The Church, this thursday. edit - i just checked to see what shows are happening in SF next week, and what do you know? Tweedy is playing twice. hmm....
  6. huh... there are too many good TV shows now to keep on top of.
  7. i watched _Weird Science_ w/ my son last night. it hearkened back to the days where actors didn't obsess over their teeth (hello Robert Downey Jr and Kelly Lebrock).
  8. the most frustrating concert ticket line experience was 1985, in Providence while waiting for U2 tickets....about 3 of my friends and I stayed overnight in line. we were probably about 50 or so people back in line when we started. the box office opened in the morning, around 9 or so. about 10 minute before they opened, a huge glut of people just crashed the line. we ended up having to buy tickets for the Worcester show because the PVD show had sold out by the time we got to the ticket seller.
  9. it's not just Pike that makes that decision.... Al has to juggle OM, and Jason's got Neurosis' schedule. here's a recent post from their facebook page:
  10. never was a big IM fan.... i prefer the pre-Dickinson records to be honest.
  11. the lack of record sales hits most bands, not just the upper tiers. King Buzzo has talked at length about this, and is one of the reason that The Melvins do a lot of limited (and expensive) releases, in an attempt to get some sort of revenue stream that complements tour revenue.
  12. based on your avatar i'm sure we have Coltrane admiration in common as well. just for giggles, on another board someone posted a thread about your personal top 20 records of all time, w/o over-thinking it. there are probably some records you've got in your collection here: Neil Young - On The Beach Mogwai - Come On Die Young Sonic Youth - EVOL Verlaines - Hallelujah All The Way Home Guided By Voices - Alien Lanes Melvins - Houdini Black Sabbath - Master Of Reality The Who - Quadrophenia The Damned - Machine Gun Etiquette Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot The Chameleons - Script Of The Bridge Bl
  13. would you pay $85 to see Willie Nelson and OCMS? that's what tickets are for Boston. there aren't too many bands I'd spend over $50 to see. but there are certainly a few.
  14. adjusted for inflation, Wilco's probably the highest (or at least near the top) of what i've spent for a ticket... back in 2002, my wife and i spent about $100 per seat for very front row seats at the Orpheum.... even though i'd been a fan for a while, we'd never seen them and decided to scalp tickets via eBay. definitely worth it, imo. still pissed that i couldn't smuggle in my little P&S camera.
  15. a friend of mine is shooting that show. here's what he said:
  16. i know i post a lot of metal but it's hardly all i listen to (note - this doesn't reflect any listening via my home stereo, just PC habits)! http://www.last.fm/user/narlus/library i don't get all the hand-wringing about a second 'big name' on the festival.... did anyone really think that The Replacements or My Morning Jacket would play? based on the previous incarnations, no fucking way. i think the lineup is missing a bit of past abrasion (see Purling Hiss; Pillow Wand; On Fillmore), but that's OK. Swans would have been an inspired choice i am really psyched to see Walker and Tyl
  17. yeah excellent and varied lineup once again. really excited for Ryley Walker and William Tyler.
  18. hey, look at that. even a blind squirrel finds nuts occasionally.
  19. nope. the answers are way too fast for someone to hold up their phone for a 15 second clip and then type it in. Glenn and cellist Jeffrey Zeigler.
  20. probably running on the "Obummer will take our guns away" platform. it's a popular one.
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