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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. doesn't absolve the Clinton machine from running roughshod (as usual) over normal conventions.
  2. another on the big pile of reasons that some people just do not like HRC https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/02/clinton-brazile-hacks-2016-215774
  3. this bodes well for the show in 5 weeks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0pBik-w_OY
  4. so Manafort had three passports, and apparently submitted ten applications over the last several years. how the hell does that not get flagged in the system?
  5. i think all you need is a US address (or so my overseas friends have told me). you don't have to vote all positions (but vote for Elder too!) thanks!
  6. there are six days left to vote in the Boston Music Awards so if you feel like voting for me in the best live music photography category, please do.
  7. Timely! This is on Millions of Dead Posers' facebook page today.
  8. sure thing! btw, thanks for asking!
  9. the previous tour (two years ago? three maybe?) was awesome. enjoy!
  10. my settings were way off as i was just leaving the photo pit so i had to really boost exposure in Lightroom, hence the noise. OLP played The Paradise the other night. were they some sort of alt.grunge band? I honestly can't think of a single thing about them.
  11. lol, no. as i was holding the camera in one hand and walking away from them, some security guy of theirs flashed a light at me a couple of times. essentially saying, stop it.
  12. i saw Slash and Duff at the Queens of the Stone Age show last night.
  13. also heard The Ruling Class when I got closer to the register. a solid hour of waiting for the opportunity to buy beer. what the hell was i thinking?
  14. Remember the Mountain Bed while in line at Tree House
  15. i didn't realize there was a Belly cover on it. nor did i realize that the Dirty Two played on some of the tracks.
  16. for me, their records have gotten less and less interesting, but their live shows have become increasingly good.
  17. to be honest i really wanted to hate Judge but after seeing him on the home run derby he's just a really likable player.
  18. i watched the first episode of Vietnam last night, and came across this excellent critique via a friend's facebook page. it's worth reading and even though i've barely scratched the surface of Burns' work, it rings totally true. i was surprised to see that David Koch was an executive producer of it. https://www.commondreams.org/views/2017/10/15/does-vietnam-even-matter-any-more-does-ken-burns
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