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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. Smash Your Head Against The Wall is a very good record.
  2. i enjoyed a very nice evening w/ Sunn O))) a few years ago. i was afraid i was gonna miss their set, as i was coming from shooting Madonna at the Garden, and she had us shoot songs 7 and 8 or something weird like that. but Sunn O))) didn't get on until midnight, and played until close to 2AM. at the Coolidge Corner theater! i was amazed there was no noise complaint from the hoity-toity brookline residents. massive sound, tons of fog, a warm theater, a beer, a late night, and a comfy chair. i definitely dozed off for a few.
  3. if ONE band would make people skip an entire festival, there are two conclusions: 1 - the festival really sucks. 2 - the person has no rational decision making ability.
  4. mailing a case of Trillium is gonna cost a ton. it cost me about $40 to send two bottles to Wisconsin.
  5. i've said that for a while now, that Andy Kaufman would be proud of Trump's campaign.
  6. i think Buzz Osbourne (Melvins) and Will Oldham should have their own shows.
  7. Trump will either pick Tom Brady or Ted Nugent as his running mate.
  8. no, i also listen to the Buffet, Springsteen and Pearl Jam channels. it kinda blows my mind that of channels that are devoted to single artists, that's what we've got. Ian Christie's Bloody Roots show is awesome, btw.
  9. it is not great (esp high frequencies) and the dropouts are annoying, but it's less data use than Spotify and while my iPod has 20K+ songs, it doesn't have everything.
  10. Deep Tracks is pretty quality, for the most part. but i wish they had a similar channel for bands from the 80s and 90s.
  11. Clinton's 'far better' position was substantial better 6+ weeks ago.
  12. also, that map link was interesting... it certainly does make one feel at times that one's vote doesn't count, but of course it does unless everyone thinks that way.
  13. yeah i was figuring that would burn people who had good seats. she's definitely more of a theater-type show. maybe ticket sales were not that good? are the 2nd and 3rd floors open for Neko?
  14. the bolded part is one of my reasons why, as a Bernie supporter, I am anti-HRC... the arrogance of the foregone conclusion that she's gonna be the dem choice for president.
  15. there were candidates who dropped off the board who excited you?
  16. as a rule, republicans can't stand HRC. I don't see her working any better w/ the right than Bernie.
  17. this song is beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w5cLn0oL5g
  18. i am going. got OK seats, hope to a press comp. Iggy is an amazing performer.
  19. does he like this LP? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKZyDsNMves also, maybe my question regarding your short list wasn't worded correctly... for those 'on the right' celebrants, whose death would cause such merriment?
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