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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. how'd this turn out for you? a new man?
  2. i wonder if they like Savages. in other news, i used to think Kasich was the least insane of the repubs who are running for office, but no longer: http://www.nbcnews.com/feature/short-take/video/kasich-wants-new-agency-to-promote-values-568695875609
  3. categories, much like 'best,' are labels that really shouldn't apply to music.
  4. i finished the Will Oldham book and that made me think of it. btw, this is an OUTSTANDING book, even if you aren't all that familiar w/ his work. It's got a lot of great insight. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007Q6XM4M/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?ie=UTF8&btkr=1
  5. Tortoise and Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - The Brave and the Bold I love this version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fb1bf-HpyD0
  6. the original Roxy Music lineup would be a dream.
  7. i think he's gonna do more dates this summer. at least that's what it sounded like from the guy i know who shoots for Backstreets.
  8. I'd be surprised if you can, since that's likely how they control for capacity. there are at least two venues in Boston that getting to the floor require a specific ticket (House of Blues, Wilbur). but there are ways around that, obv.
  9. seems like this tour is not gonna be featuring any sort of deep cuts.
  10. more DNC bullshit: http://dailycaller.com/2016/02/10/hillary-earns-more-new-hampshire-delegates-than-sanders-after-loss/
  11. i think the Clinton organization was secretly hoping for a you gotta remember that Clinton's got the entire Democratic machine behind her as well. a lot of pols from Mass were campaigning in Southern NH on her behalf.
  12. do you really think that Vermont and New Hampshire are interchangeable? you've been to both states, right?
  13. i hope Christie stays in a bit longer just to take out Marco Robio.
  14. i wish i'd been at the final 2004 show of GBV when they kicked off w/ "Over The Neptune/Mesh Gear Fox." now THAT's a rock anthem. i have seen them about 10 now, and they've still never played it. strange.
  15. Heron Oblivion - S/T new group consisting of Meg Baird (Epsers, solo), Ethan Miller and Noel Von Harmonson (Comets On Fire; Howlin Rain (Ethan)) and some other dude. this is certainly one of the best records of the year, and I am basing it on the 1st song I am streaming.
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