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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. agreed. not many bands would do that. i am still bummed that i was living overseas when Iggy and the Stooges did an instore performance at Newbury Comics.
  2. i updated my tags i just filed my review... it's long but i didn't even fit all the stuff i wanted to. i'll post a link when my editor reviews and publishes it.
  3. for the first night i was in teh 2nd to last row of the front orchestra section so i couldn't see the balcony at all, but last night i turned to look a few times and it seemed like everyone was sitting down the whole night. btw, i had 7th row seats that were great for the first few songs, and then a late comer pushed everyone in the row in front of me down a seat, and suddenly Yao Ming was planted between me and Tweedy.
  4. Thanks! I figured that 10 sec of vid was ok... The guy in front of me was at least 6'6" so I didn't want to have my phone held as high as I could for any longer.
  5. Just an observation that Jeff seems to have come to peace with people using phones to take photos and vids. It wasn't excessive but there was no lockdown like at previous shows I've seen.
  6. yeah, the crowd definitely gave John a huge round of applause/support for "It's Just That Simple"
  7. well that was a proper fucking rock show. not to take anything away from the previous night, but once the Star Wars material was done (and again, it was very nice, ranging from fist pumpers like "You Satellite" to the supremely sublime closer of "Magnetized"), the first song out of the gate was the previously scratched "Spiders (Kidsmoke)". Gloves down, statement made. i am too tired to fetch the notes tapped out my phone, but i'll have a full review and photo gallery up at DigBoston tmrw. suffice to say, i am very happy that my 13 y/o son got to see the show tonight w/ me. and he got to
  8. not a problem. email me at tinnitus.photography@gmail.com if you need anything.
  9. yeah i don't think the curfew time's changed. for whatever reason, the band kept it a bit shorter. maybe it'll be a bit longer tonight! WRP, i saw your friend's mics. tell him that I appreciated that he kept them relatively low and not in the way. the Concord NH show a few years back had big, blocky mics that interfered w/ my sight lines to Jeff the entire night.
  10. Boston wasn't much better in regards to people talking during Tyler's set. there were two guys behind me, yapping away, and i finally asked them to hold the chatter as there was just one song left. they graciously quieted down, but you could hear the overall rumble of uninterested people throughout the room. this isn't background music, folks. if you want to talk, head to the lobby - you've got a reserved seat you can return to!
  11. hey all - very, very solid show last night... i dug the slight rearrangement of IATTBYH with an ending a bit like the chaos of Via Chicago. As mentioned, Jeff wasn't too talkative, hopefully that will change a bit tonight. funny to run into Bill last night... he's on the DBT board and not sure if he lurks here or not, but when i was done shooting i grabbed a beer and went to my seat, only to find him right next to me! Also good seeing worldrecordplayer and Oil Can Boyd last night. here are a couple of shots from last night... hopefully tonight we get a bit more freedom in locations to shoot.
  12. will do! i'll be hauling around one of these tonight. i should be easy to spot.
  13. what are the chances that Wilco pulls out a Jefferson Airplane cover tonight?
  14. yeah i read that one earlier this week. fantastic essay.
  15. thanks Gary! maybe i'll see you there.
  16. ticket says start time of 7:30, which is when I'm assuming Tyler is on?
  17. if Mark Squilla has his way, a ton of bands will certainly not be playing Philly: https://www.rawstory.com/2016/01/philly-officials-proposal-would-grant-cops-access-to-bands-and-rappers-addresses/
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