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tinnitus photography

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Everything posted by tinnitus photography

  1. the other Lifeguards record i like even better. and you NEED Propeller...
  2. maybe if we get out of their fucking grill, they wouldn't be so defensive.
  3. powerblessings = yes. Submarine Teams is a great song, too as is Enjoy Jerusalem.. the last 7 songs on NIMA are lo-fi classics... totally out of the feel of the main LP, but hearkening back to the days when they'd spit out 2-3 perfectly crafted 7" singles a year. "People Are Leaving" from _Waved Out_ is a perfect little Beatles-esque ditty.
  4. how about we don't start those hostilities? WWII excepted, of course.
  5. do you have Kid Marine? I also noticed none of the Circus Devils stuff made it
  6. Hard to believe that Flat Beauty or Psychic Pilot Clocks Out didn't make it. Well done though. That's a lot of songs to tackle.
  7. i would think that Roob (i mean Hardwood) would rank these differently now...
  8. this just goes to show how insanely stupid this list is: Buddy Holly was something like #29. he put out 2 LPs, and co-wrote 8 of the 23 songs on those records. he had sole writing credit for just one song ("Words Of Love"). yeah, that seems about right.
  9. on the drive down to the Van Halen show a couple of weeks ago, i listened to that one and Sonic Nurse. they both sounded good.
  10. wow, i didn't realize they had a new one! the 1st one is still the best, imo. i liked randall's stuff in Cannanes, too.
  11. It's a fundraiser not just a normal Jay Farrar show. Whether or not it's worth the money is up to you.
  12. Wow, Holy Sons is a bit of a weird opening act. Good for Emil.
  13. a good friend of mine went this year and said it was a blast. early bird tickets were only 60 Euro, so it seemed like a no-brainer.
  14. http://www.salon.com/2015/07/25/donald_trump_is_an_actual_fascist_what_his_surging_popularity_says_about_the_gop_base/
  15. i'm going to the ATP in Keflavik next year and will probably extend it by a day or two on both ends to check out some of Iceland.
  16. calling someone out on what? a departure from reality? ok.
  17. 8/10 - Weedeater 8/15 - Hum/Failure 8/17 - High On Fire/Pallbearer 8/24 - Royal Headache 8/25 - Earth/Holy Sons 9/6 - Swervedriver
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