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Everything posted by Analogman

  1. Oh - they must have a lot. And maybe even the album they were working on the 2nd time Marc Ford left the band.
  2. I wonder if Chris will try to block it?
  3. I've often thought someone should write a history about those bands and the time period they thrived in. Many years ago - I knew someone who played in a band like that.
  4. I would send you the PDF file if you want it. But it is still a bit screwy. You would be better off getting a copy through inter-library loan to read.
  5. They did a Satanic Majesties box and I think a Beggars Banquet box - but not any sort of demos or anything to make it worth it.
  6. There was a time his son had them up on a website. I think they are gone now. I have the PDF file on my Nook. It took a lot of reformatting to get it to work.
  7. It is out of print. I have a PDF file of that book. You can find it - if you dig around. There is another one after that called "The Phantom Blooper".
  8. There is a whole bunch of stuff about that time period in that book Midnight Riders (Scott Freeman) which I bought many years ago. I'd still like to see that documentary Please Call Home: The Big House Years. But it is 25 bucks. I don't want to buy it - I just want to see it.
  9. It's also on Amazon Prime. I have not watched it - as I figured it was another one of those documentaries with a bunch of old guy rock writers talking about stuff you already know.
  10. I am listening to Two From The Vault which I have not listened to in years. I always liked the technical information page in back side of the cd case. It now sounds a bit muffled or muddy. I guess it was re-released in 2007. I wonder if that release sounds better.
  11. Below are all the shows we have collected and uploaded from January 2018 to December 2018: This year we must thank Mr. Oecourt for almost all these shows. I had a computer malfunction last summer and almost all these shows went with it. I have not had the money to get it fixed. He was kind enough to send them to me, so I did not have to grab them from Dime a Dozen again. I did away with individual folders for each year. All the Wilco shows are now in one folder, all the Jeff shows are now in one folder, etc. I also worked on re-configuring the file names and including missing taper names
  12. It always amazes me when Hunter talks about writing all those songs in one day - Ripple, etc.
  13. There is some talk about that and others who worked on Brothers and Sisters in the No Way Out book.
  14. I've always preferred the music of Dark Star over the lyrics.
  15. It also goes into this in the book. I had that cd and actually tossed it - it was bad.
  16. That's one I may actually want to get. Imagine - Band of Gypsy's and then GD in the space of a couple of days.
  17. I never did get the last one. I am not too excited about releases from these bands anymore.
  18. Ah - looks like he is back on that Springsteen/political trip.
  19. Ok - I like this book. It reminds me of the Neil Young book. Except - Jeff isn't talking about some doomed music system every few pages. Also - I bought my first record in 1974. It was The Jackson Five - Stand. I still have it. The first Blondie album I ever bought was Eat To The Beat. Which is still my favorite album by Blondie. Nice to see my home state get mentioned.
  20. Looks like Jay is having a sale: Reverb.com
  21. I am curious to hear the album Duane and Devon are making. Actually Berry Jr. is in the band also.
  22. I just noticed Amazon Prime has added Anthem to Beauty (plus a bunch more of those Classic Albums documentaries).
  23. I was surprised to find the book on my local library's e-book site yesterday. There are very few music related e-books on there. Even more surprising - there is a wait list. I will get to read it at some point this winter.
  24. It's streaming at his site. Right now - you can do the subscription for 20 bucks a year.
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