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smells like flowers

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Everything posted by smells like flowers

  1. "Pick Up the Change," heard in between sets of a bunch of local bands playing an outdoor all-day thing yesterday. It inspired me to listen to AM while cooking this afternoon. I very rarely listen to Wilco's studio recordings anymore (with the exception of SW), and it's amazing how well AM holds up. I just love it all the way through. Jeff's voice, so young and scratchy, John on "It's Just That Simple," Brian Henneman's warm, soulful guitar playing. What a great record.
  2. Somebody called "Poon" must know plenty about girls.
  3. Not exactly a "heard," but I was just at a busy farm stand getting some of summer's bounty, and an older gentleman commented on my Wilco t-shirt (worn in honor of JT's b-day). He said, "Wilco, I know them. Their drummer used to play in a band we'd go see in Chicago." Maybe some early project of Glenn's? I asked if he'd been at the Amphitheatre for their show in May, and he said yes, he'd gotten free tickets and was right up front. I didn't get any more details, but I always love to make a Wilco connection with a stranger. And it was especially fun on Jeff's b-day.
  4. Agree-- that book was shite. That whole shifting perspective device is totally ineffective when the voices of the characters are nearly indistinguishable from one another. Not to mention there wasn't an interesting thought between them.
  5. Damn, I hope so! I'm dying to hear Star Wars. Would love Balto/ DC area in a nice theatre! Please and thank you.
  6. It seems difficult to catch them indoors in the summer. But preferable for the reasons you stated, and the sound is usually better.
  7. Wow, seems kinda pricey for AD-- but potluck! How fun would that be?! Wonder what Pat and John will bring. Something warm and cheesy?
  8. Jeff is a lot of things, and androgynous (stylistically or otherwise) is definitely not one of them. But the fuzzed-out glam vibe on Random Name Generator is fantastic.
  9. What if the poster book had included Paul's notes from every show he attended on the page opposite the poster for that night? That would be such an amazing chronicle. What a missed opportunity...
  10. I'm glad to see the return of the rock encore, even if it's mixed in sporadically with the hootenanny-style encore. I think the acoustic stuff works best in indoor venues where you can hear and appreciate it to its fullest. Personally, I like to leave a Wilco show feeling "rode hard and put away wet." Bring the rock!
  11. I was given the book as a gift, and I paged through it once. It is a gorgeous art book-- heavy paper, larger format. It was fun to see the posters for shows I've been to, and admire others. The notecards are cool-- made from cut up leftover posters, apparently. I doubt I would have spent the money to buy it on my own, but it is a nice book. If you are a poster-lover or just yearn for more of all things Wilco, it seems like a solid purchase. I was a tiny bit disappointed to note that while the collection of included posters was put together by Jeff, the intro was written by the head of Mass MOC
  12. I miss Spiders. The acoustic version is gorgeous and was in heavy rotation a while back, but there's nothing like the full-bore electric version. Hope it makes it back on the setlist soon!
  13. I heard "Stuck in the Middle with You" last night and the vocals reminded me of Jeff. On the nasal side, a little twangy, similar pitch. That would be a fun one to hear them cover! But the downside would be we'd all have this disturbing image of John cutting off Pat's ear.
  14. Thanks for the ideas! Will see what I can figure out.
  15. I was unable to download the St. Augustine show to either my iPhone or iPad. Anyone else have issues or suggestions?
  16. I love the record SO MUCH. I'm developing an unhealthy attachment to it. It's practically all I think about. Pity the poor people around me who have no interest in talking about how brilliant Star Wars is! It's really difficult not to overdo it by listening multiple times a day. Don't want to ruin it for myself, which I've done before! So envious of those going to shows in the next few weeks/months that will likely get to hear it played in its entirety. Damn.
  17. For some reason I didn't expect a standard romantic comedy, but that's what it boiled down to. Was a nice surprise to hear a Wilco song pop up during the post-breakup montage --"Please Be Patient With Me."
  18. Not lyrics, but sounds! Specifically all those bendy guitar sounds, which remind me of ELO.
  19. I'm on a Daniel Woodrell kick. His writing is so thoroughly enjoyable -- southern gothic dirty realism. It's funny and dark and he makes such great use of southern aphorisms. While "Winter's Bone" is probably his most popular novel because it was made into a movie, my favorites so far are "The Death of Sweet Mister" and "Give Us A Kiss." Reading "Tomato Red" right now.
  20. Thank you for posting this! I missed the stream the night of (was at a Modest Mouse show, which I didn't enjoy at all-- Wilco has spoiled me, I'm afraid). Anyway, I just watched it and am thoroughly amazed at how polished and organic it sounds right out of the gate. I'm sure some of the songs will evolve played live over time, but it is amazing on the first run! As an aside, I'm so glad this record came out and I think it is totally brilliant. There was a nagging little voice in my head that I was hanging onto Wilco too tight and for too long. My favorite studio recordings are so many years ol
  21. What is up with "punctuation" lately? It's a fucking mess!
  22. My sentiments exactly. I think those two songs are my favorite stretch on the whole record. These songs (and all the rest) are just going to KILL live. I really hope, as others have said, that they play the whole thing through at shows, instead of mixing the songs in with the rest of the setlist.
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