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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. Just a synopsis for his 10 power rings...from the Marvel Universe series that was out eons ago.
  2. I hope the Mandarin actually has and uses these in the movie:
  3. i know this is for charity and all, but the logistics have dictated we will end up waiting until they do a show in an indoor venue.
  4. Damn, they took it down. I've seen some photos though...looks promising.
  5. Jack Burton: What's in the flask, Egg? Magic potion? Egg Shen: Yeah. Jack Burton: Thought so, good. What do we do, drink it? Egg Shen: Yeah! Jack Burton: Good, thought so Egg Shen: It'll make you see things no one else can see. Do things no one else can do. Jack Burton: Real things? Egg Shen: As real as Lo Pan! Jack Burton: Hey, what more can a guy ask for? Egg Shen: Oh, a six-demon bag! Jack Burton: Terrific, a six-demon bag. Sensational. What's in it, Egg? Egg Shen: Wind, fire, all that kind of thing!
  6. This looks great. I hadn't realized how much I could use a new film from him right now until I saw the trailer.
  7. absolutely...many, many years ago on HBO.
  8. their release from last year is a fine, fine album.
  9. I always thought it was in reference to their first album which was in honor of Mookie Blaylock which is what they were named before Pearl Jam.
  10. honestly, i don't listen to either at all anymore...but i'd take PJ over Nirvana, even in their heydays.
  11. What about the Road Dahl books?
  12. oh hell yes on the Pigman. great book.
  13. it was originally in SPIN magazine...you can read it here. that book is sort of a compilation of pieces he has done for various publications over the years.
  14. is your point they should just 'suck it up and get another job'? i'm not following. i'm not defending the labels need to release bloated albums full of crappy songs by crappy artists, but I can totally see why they would do away w/ advance copies...finding them in used CD stores is one thing, prolific spread via the web is another. to say that the practice of this doesn't account for some amount of lost revenue is ludicrous.
  15. great, but are you a career musician who has no other streams of revenue?
  16. To note...outside of what seemed to be the appearance at the odd indie circuit show, this guy has been retired since 2002. Not saying that the litany of pro wrestlers who have died way too young (not all from steroids and/or drugs) isn't longer than it should be...it pains me to say, you could probably make the same sort of list for any large group of people.
  17. that mini-fridge will be worth it's weight in gold. i have a college buddy that still has his...now serves as the beer fridge in his garage. the flip-flops for shower time meantioned earlier are also a must.
  18. my favorite michael is the one that turns into a giant robot after the smooth criminal video and pops a bunch of caps into joe pesci's ass
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