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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. i'll pay somebody $5 to photoshop that into a pudgier, balder guy in an EMT uniform holding a jar of stem cells in front of a Canadian flag w/ 'WWTHDWD?' underneath it.
  2. this thread reaks of patchouli and burning flags...i'm so angry i could execute somebody. pffft.
  3. not really...if you use the hair/make-up as the only basis, are the NY Dolls hair metal? even if that is the case, they only did the full-fledged glam look early in their career...their music, was definitely not nearly infused w/ as much pop sensibility as a leppard. really same goes for early Poison, L.A. Guns and Motley Crue. i could give you a list 20 bands deep more representative of the popular definition of hair metal than those.
  4. the layout and design works perfect w/ the subject matter, just a beautiful looking book...pretty informative too. gives a lot of background on some of the poeple behind some incredible work.
  5. bonham's drumming is the x factor in this debate...it is the very definition of heavy. i can consider them metal, but i agree that it's not the first band that comes to mind when using the term.
  6. i'm part excited and part nervous they could never recapture the magic. 'having an average day' by shadowy men is the ringtone on my phone...big fan.
  7. i missed it, but that is crazy awesome. BTW, i wasn't at a remote farm, but i did vist a barnes & noble in lincolnshire earlier today. i bought a book about 1950's animation and pretended the cougar sitting several tables away from me in the cafe was mrs. buckley. carry on, ken.
  8. i have it from a pretty reliable source, that ction is actually the ghost of the guy who played the dad on 'gimme a break'.
  9. 30 Rock is nearly right up there w/ the Office for me...that show is phenomenal. 'one of my implants exploded and i didn't even ask to be let off the catapult.'
  10. that totally infers that the most important part of comedy is how it is delivered and who it's deliverd by. i thought the UK version was fine, but the pacing and tone in british comedy is way different than the US. i don't know, the US version just seemed to be more relatable...which is a big part of what makes the show funny.
  11. ...you will anyhow? The opening three tracks and the closer on 'Seven' are fantastic...classic even. I'll have to check this new disc out.
  12. i'd like a mod to post up w/ what screen names Limbaugh and Senator James Inhofe are posting under.
  13. i caught a decent handful of season 1 in re-runs after we finally got digital cable, but none of the other seasons since that...i may have to try and make this regular viewing. i just can't seem to jive w/ sci-fi's schedule and feel woefully behind to boot. on a side note, the peter cushing flick 'dr. who and the daleks' finally worked it's way up my netflix que and is waiting for me at home. the sequel looked better, but should be fun anyhow.
  14. hey man, i always try to give a little shout-out when somebody clues me in to something i find cool enough to want to share it on there. did the same thing w/ pedro for that beastie boys/soul train clip and miss yvonne for the esquivel x-mas album. i would have never saw it...i'm a marginal R.A. fan, but a big time bob mould enthusiast.
  15. saw that, but couldn't check it out until today. i threw a link to it up on my blog w/ a shout-out a-man. fun stuff.
  16. but he's from the future...he's not dead, he just hasn't happened yet. however, ole and sven rrocksen are wayyyy departed.
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