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Oil Can Boyd

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Everything posted by Oil Can Boyd

  1. Haven't listened to this in ten years ...
  2. Came up on shuffle this morning. "I am an American Aquarium Peeping Tom ..."
  3. New Pornographers opened up night 7! Ira's Hannukah Diary is pretty good: YLT.
  4. 1 year/$10 million? Wow. I didn't see him pitch before the Sox got him last year but his numbers were pretty good.
  5. I've seen them a couple of times recently: once in Boston (Somerville) and once in Brooklyn. As always, they put on a great show. And I, for one, really like their new album.
  6. Just to bring a couple of threads together within this thread, I didn't realize that Johan Santana was once on the Marlins. In 1999, he was traded (with cash) to the Twins for Jared Camp
  7. Me too! Seriously. But Elizabeth Reed and Can't You Hear Me Knocking are fine choices. And Dark Star should be on there.
  8. The Celtics won their 13th game of the year on Friday night. Last year the Celtics won their 13th game on February 14.
  9. What about Buffalo Tom's Three Easy Pieces? It's certainly in my Top 10 and might be in my Top 5.
  10. Not this year, according to Billboard as quoted in Pitchfork. Perhaps inspired by the success of the whole In Rainbows thing, My Bloody Valentine plan to go the digital self-release route when they issue their follow-up to 1991's Loveless. As MBV manager Vinita Joshi told Billboard.com late last week, the newly re-formed band will hit the studio in December to resume long-dormant sessions for the forthcoming LP. They're mulling over a possible accompanying vinyl release as well, and they don't intend to use the Radiohead pricing model, according to Joshi. Of course, if they're hitting the
  11. Now watching? Nothing, because I think my DVR is broken, and there is a lot of stuff that I haven't watched yet.
  12. Bradley's Almanac has a nice recording of the early show in Boston last week. Bradley's Almanac
  13. Wow. Didn't see that coming. Love the OCab.
  14. "Mike Lowell and the Boston Red Sox are on the verge of finalizing a three-year, $37.5 million deal, ESPN The Magazine's Buster Olney reports." ESPN
  15. I love that Jack Lambert is asking that question. The comment surprised me too, which is why I raised it here.
  16. That's exactly what I was drinking last night and someone accused me of drinking a "girly summertime drink."
  17. I'm not very technically minded but Ira played an acoustic guitar and once in a while he'd stomp on a pedal and crank it up. James played his electric bass but it was very quiet. And Georgia had a snare dum (that she mostly played with brushes), one cymbal, and a floor tom. The questions were funny. Most people just shouted them out but some people put up their hands and were called on by Ira. At one point he asked if anyone in the back had questions because the people up front were dominating the conversation. People were very quiet in between songs so it was easy for them to hear thing
  18. I saw the Freewheeling show in Boston last night and thought it was great. I have seen them a bunch of times over the years but it was fun to see them in such a relaxed and intimate environment. I don't have a set list but it seemed like it was about half songs they had planned and the other half was requests. They did a Roky Erickson song, a Volcano Suns song, two Sun Ra covers (including Nuclear War), and even one of James' songs from Dump. I definitely recommend seeing this tour if you are a fan.
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