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Oil Can Boyd

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Everything posted by Oil Can Boyd

  1. On CD, it is only available as part of Dead Letter Office. Being a grumpy old man, I only have it on vinyl.
  2. I'm one of these grumpy old men who think that they have been going downhill since Fables of the Reconstruction.
  3. Not specifically. But one of the "soft" criteria does seem to be whether the player was respected by his peers. In the last baseball thread someone asserted that Rice was the most feared hitter in baseball for five years and someone else questioned that statement. The Rice question is a tough one for me. As I mentioned in the previous baseball thread he was my favorite player when I was a kid. I saw him play dozens of times, he put up some really good numbers, and it was fun to watch him hit. But is he a Hall of Famer? I'm stealing someone else's line here, but if there was a Hall of R
  4. This was in yesterday's Boston Globe: A few questions for Goose Gossage, who stands a very good chance of being elected to the Hall of Fame Tuesday: Is Jim Rice a Hall of Famer? GG: "Absolutely. Are you kidding me? There weren't many hitters that I feared when I came into the game, but when Jimmy stepped to the plate, he was as close as I came to being scared. And for a power hitter, he could really hit. That's very rare. I can't think of too many people I respected more in the game. If I could go into Cooperstown with Jimmy, even though we were rivals and he was a Red Sox and I was a Ya
  5. I saw them play this on their recent tour and it was sublime. It was mostly acoustic and Ira played percussion on the back of his guitar.
  6. Oh I dunno: "If he's doing that to me, I should have a third ear coming out of my forehead. I should be pulling tractors with my teeth," Clemens said, wearing a lavender button-down shirt during the interview, taped at his home in Katy, Texas. "I was eating Vioxx like it was Skittles," Clemens said. "The higher you get up on the flagpole, the more your butt shows. I understand all that," he said.
  7. I kind of feel the same way. But then again I've seen Blue Man Group a handful of times over the years. The spectacle of that does not change but it is still pretty fun.
  8. Don't forget their cover of Pretty in Pink.
  9. I'm a big Magnetic Fields fan and I have only heard about half of it but, yeah, it's not doing much for me yet. I suppose I should wait until I have the real, entire thing before making final judgment ...
  10. Jim Rice for the Hall of Fame? I'm biased because he was my favorite player as a kid but the debate on ESPN makes a compelling case: "During those 12 years, Rice was the most dominant player in the American League. Maybe not the best player -- I'd give that nod to George Brett. But check out Rice from 1975 to '86. He ranked first in the AL in games (1,766), first in at-bats (7,060), first in runs (1,098), first in hits (2,145), first in home runs (350), first in runs batted in (1,276), first in slugging percentage (.520), first in total bases (3,670), first in extra-base hits (752), first in
  11. Dino's Green Mind is the break-up album for a good friend of mine.
  12. I stopped seeing them around 1985-86 because I thought the scene was getting a little creepy. That and the fact that I came home one day and my roommate was playing Husker Du's Flip Your Wig. Blew my socks off ...
  13. What do you think? It's not the Feelies but I like it more than any of the Wake Ooloo records.
  14. Those are some great shots. Me? I picked this up today:
  15. The fact that Hannah Montana is Billy Ray Cyrus' daughter is not bad enough?
  16. My 9 year old daughter is a big fan of Zoey 101 and actually has a picture of Jamie Lynn Spears on her wall. I am not quite sure what to tell her ...
  17. Not too long ago I was listening to the Bird Song from that show and I thought it was Dark Star.
  18. Nice! I still have not picked up Tiny Cities. Is it any good? (And to answer the obvous question, I don't feel that strongly about Modest Mouse, one way or another.)
  19. I didn't realize that he lived on the coast of Maine.
  20. Felt Forum 12/7/71 was the first tape I ever got (a long, long time ago).
  21. I was late to the party on this but this is my favorite new discovery of the year.
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