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Oil Can Boyd

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Everything posted by Oil Can Boyd

  1. It is on the Throwing Muses website Throwingmusic in the "Shop." She is certainly trying to do things differently. She and others (including Donita Sparks from L7) have this CASH music program, which is a pay-as-you-like format. They are also making music available with the Pro Tools stems of the song and encouraging people to re-mix it. But she also has different membership/subscription options. "For $10 per quarter, fans can get all the media, merchandise and CDs they like. For $30, they get a "Works in Progress" CD plus free entrance for two into any upcoming show. $500 buys all that
  2. It's an interesting business model (described in more detail below). For $50 you get a new recording of ten songs of your choice. I think she has enough hardcore fans to make it work for a while.
  3. I am pretty partial to I Am Trying to Break Your Heart (particularly the version from the movie).
  4. My first car was a 1963 Corvair (which I bought in 1991). I gained a little respect for Mr. Nader the day I totalled my car.
  5. I forgot Galaxie 500 and (sort of) the Magnetic Fields (who started in Boston, moved to NY, but now Stephin Merritt lives in LA).
  6. Funny you mention that. I have that on cassette and I just ordered a used copy which arrived in the mail yesterday. There is some great stuff on that.
  7. Yeah, I was thinking Boston rather than Massachusetts, and I don't really think of Dino Jr as a Boston band.
  8. From the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review article: "The collection is worth millions of dollars -- Mawhinney's personal estimate is at least $50 million -- but he has received only one solid offer." That winning bid is a whole lot less than $50 million.
  9. The Cars? Boston? I should probably include the Modern Lovers, the Pernice Brothers, and Dinosaur Jr.
  10. Just bought this moments ago. Can't wait to listen to it tonight.
  11. Some that come to mind: Mission of Burma Pixies Throwing Muses Buffalo Tom Lemonheads
  12. I'm a little behind the times but I finally saw this. I liked it. I do feel like Jack Nicholson has a hard time not being Jack Nicholson (if that makes sense).
  13. Hmmm, can't find it on-line. Last time I saw them (2004) he asked the audience to snap instead of clap. The other night he covered his left ear when people clapped.
  14. Y'know, I don't remember! Shirley Simms is touring with them and she, Claudia, and Stephin mixed things up. One of the new song that Shirley sings on the album was sung by Stephin. Claudia sang All My Little Words and Water Torture.
  15. Me too. First time I saw them they opened with it and I've never looked back.
  16. Excellent show last night from Stephin Merritt and company. The stuff from Distortion (which I'm not wild about) sounded great, as it was really stripped down. Setlist below (which I took from someone's blog): Setlist (album; when the artist is not The Magnetic Fields, artist is listed first): 1. California Girls (Distortion) 2. I Don't Believe You (I Don't Believe You 7", i) 3. All My Little Words (69 Love Songs Vol. 1) 4. Come Back From San Francisco (69 Love Songs Vol. 1) 5. Old Fools (Distortion) 6. Xavier Says (Distortion) 7. Walking My Gargoyle (The Gothic Archies - The Tragic Treas
  17. Happy Anniversary 2/13/70. My favorite Dark Star ever ...
  18. As someone posted the last time this topic came up, it is "two blocks west of Stalker Street, one block south of Restraining Order Avenue."
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