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Everything posted by Autumnteeth

  1. Thanks 2x for the links. Great sites.
  2. And is a great cause. They bring their aid to the community they serve, not the other way around. When you look at most charities admin costs and marketing exceed what goes back to the benificiary. In this case the opposite is true. I am all for the concept the band tried to adhere to, but wish they would do a couple more shows, or one larger one, for this organization because they truly bring the goods, and spirit, to the intended user. Heard some people complaining that $100 was too steep but given the cause it could have been $250 and sold out in the same amount of time. That said, what
  3. All great songs but heard Art of Almost at NPR concert in MAryland and it sent chills up my spine. I really love the synergy that develops when the band is engaged as a whole and Art of Almost is synergy personified. When I first heard the stream of TWL I was not impressed. When I threw the CD in I thought meh. When I heard on vinyl,though, I really loved it. It starts off where you think it is a Pat and Mikael thing and maybe self indulgent. Then Glenn throws down. Jeff starts his shit. John, the man, sets to thumping. Then Nels. It is truly a masterpiece in my eyes. Every time I he
  4. Thanks. I was hoping it meant Lincoln Hall is offering to pay for any and all carpal tunnel surgery due to ticket wait time due to refresh. I must have hit the refresh button 5 times a minute, times 50 minutes, for 250 times. My wrist is still swollen. I was in buy at 10"00, blew it becuse I couldn't decode captcha, 10"01. Then 3 other times. Going to try to swap on the need a ticket board. Have a Row k, 10th row, at civic opera, and one extra for riv plus another solo at civic. Figure if I offer to give those up, plus pay for my tick and kind person's spare at Lincoln, I have a shot. N
  5. I think eventually I will swing to One Sunday Morning but Reservations has it all. It is such a beautiful contrast to I am Trying To Break Your Heart that it completes YHF. It is the Wilco version of Caroline No in my eyes. I think One Sunday Morning is a better song, but if you look at YHF as a book, Reservations ties it up so well that I can't foresake it. Hate to veer a bit but I think the best closing song on a Tweedy project of all time would be No Sense in Lovin from Anodyne. It isn't the last song on the album, but it is the last song I will listen to on the album, and is like the
  6. Me too. I figured with 500 plus minus on sale I would be clicking until 10:20 at most. Either people overestimated their available balances of the server was bouncing people. I was able to get in line 3 or four times, with the last time being around 10:40. Happy for those who get to go. Should be a great show.
  7. I got bounced by captcha at 10:18, couldnt read it at all, and at 10:51 it went to sold out. What are the two asterisks though? Think I have carpal tunnel now.
  8. The server can't handlethe number of people trying to fiqure out what and where Lincoln Hall is. I went on to see if I could get tix to Umphrey's McGhee and was hopeless. On a side note, I cant believe the Umph show sold out on Groupon. I can't wait for the 50% off of a toe sucking at Pop's for Champagne. IT is the next logical extension of the groupon invasion.
  9. I don't remember where I saw this. NPR chat, some article, not sure. What I want to hear is the alt version of Art of Almost. It had a name, All of Almost, and I remember Jeff saying they forgot to finish it when they broke off into Art of Almost. Wish there was room on a 10" for this missing puzzle piece.
  10. Saw the Pogues at the Congress. They would do better at the corner of South Water and Lake than that shitbin. I am sure it is a historic venue, but so is the Colleseum in Rome and it is also off limits.
  11. I went to a show once, and Pat read my mind that I was pissed I had to get up early and mow the lawn, so at 6:15 he showed up and mowed the lawn with a push mower so as not to wake me, bagged it all, and was gone. The man is a god.
  12. Thought it may have been a metronome, but only heard it on vinyl so I can't be sure.
  13. I was able to get two tickets to the December 13 show at the Riviera. As everyone knows, it is show up with your purchase unit credit card, all members of your party, and a photo id. I usually avoid will call like the plague. The last will call I did was Phish, and the number of people without valid ID's (at least from this solar system). credit cards, or shoes for that matter, was astounding. I was 20th in line, and it took over 45 minutes to get to the window. The girl with tickets cried with joy when I had my license out. IF it took 45 minutes to seat, pessimistically, 76 people assumi
  14. Was this an anti-Farrar song? MAybe I don't mean anti Farrar, maybe I mean we aren't going to volley back and forth? Some stuff pointed to, other stuff pointed away.
  15. Upom further review, was written by Duk Ellington and is a classic jazz song from 1926.
  16. Wow, listened because it made sense, close to home,and I figured there would be a connection, but after hearing this a couple of times there is definetely a rhyme and reason for this being the inspiration. Great detective work.
  17. I lack talent, but this is a great idea. I would love to hear what people do with the album.
  18. Contrast this with the post about writing credits and theevolution is even more phenomanal.
  19. Collected as much of the Smile ,and Pet Sounds sessions, as I could. Kept trying to reconstruct what both would sound like if Brian stayed sane. I honestly believe The Whole Love is what Wilco's Smile would have sounded like. I really love this album, I get a smile everythime I hear it. Getting tired of the trash talk, this album is great. Just my opinion, and love to hear counter opinions, but in context this is a beautiful album.
  20. I read this thing about kittens raping socialists on the internet some wise man bespoke. Or fags raping kittens to advance socilaism, dont remember, Either way, this tea party brother got it right. Cats are fags, and Sarah Palin is a genius.
  21. I have a feeling that means people who get a venti soy latte and a biscotte love it.
  22. Never thought of that but you maybe right. This album should have had a duet with Taylor Swift.
  23. Not to mention so much was leaked, Jim ORourke is my favorite producer ever, that a lot of the core followers have anything they would put out. Was just thinking about Jay this morning, and it is sad that the person I believe brought summerteeth to where it belonged fell so hard and fast. Have a feeling it was the painmeds, but the guy was a visionary. Very conflicted on his legacy,and some day will sit down and try to define and absorb it.
  24. Ok, I have a rule, never question anyone's opinion, because that is why music trancends all other mediums. Cant for the life of me grasp this, and again, respect your opinion, but Nels brings it. At a live show, Iget goosebumps when Impossible Germany starts. Used to hate hotel arizona, but when nels inserts his unreal shredding of the song at the end it is pure beauty. Heard a version of I am The man who loves you opened, and shephearded by nels, that will go down in history as the most treasured live wilco moment ever. I am sincere when I say I respect your opinion, and happy to hear i
  25. I did. The venue is most defintely not pro Wilco fan. I swear it was the old woman from th Agatha Christie mysteries who answered and said I can't help you, no one can help you. Hope that wasn't an omen like she knew I wouldn't make it. Definitely a Hitchcockian experience. I an stil hear her, I can't help you, no one can. Eerie.
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