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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Yes. Obama's the 44th President, but the 43rd person to hold the office. Grover Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th.
  2. Well, he's never let facts stand in the way of his statements before, so why start now.
  3. I've always loved "In a Little While"
  4. Every year I have the same frustrating conversations with a friend of mine who is always up in arms over the fact that the nominations were bad and the people that won shouldn't have. Every single year.
  5. I think they are as long as you keep it in the right perspective, which is to create a rooting interest for movies you enjoyed while recognizing these things are not the final arbiter of anything. Of course, maybe I'm just finding a way to disagree with your post while agreeing with the general sentiment behind it.
  6. It's funny you say that, because I've only seen them once. They opened for Wilco in Dallas and I wasn't very impressed. But I love the albums, especially the new one. I probably need to catch them again.
  7. It was a purposefully silly question. Nobody likes a band because of their image, so why would someone dislike a band for that reason. It doesn't make sense to me. Anyway, not to further hijack this thread, but I would agree with you about Fleet Foxes and the fact that it is a strong debut, pointing to a potentially high ceiling. I think you can say the same for Vampire Weekend. But my point about Dr. Dog is that, in my opinion, Fate is a much better album than Fleet Foxes. This year. I'm not comparing the groups or their potential, but the products they released this year. And it s
  8. I don't care about image, although it certainly seems sometimes that people get a little too wrapped up in it. Would people still like Fleet Foxes if they didn't all look like mountain men? Vampire Weekend is pleasant enough, but it's an album I wouldn't ever miss not hearing again. I'm interested to see where they go from here, though, which I find more compelling than whether some people dislike their album because they tie sweaters around their necks. The Fleet Foxes thing is something else entirely. It's another album I enjoyed, but the press just seems out-of-whack. Forget the MMJ
  9. I'll throw mine out, especially since I've recently listened to all of them and actually thought about it in more detail. 1. Vitalogy 2. No Code 3. Yield 4. Pearl Jam 5. Vs. 6. Ten 7. Binaural 8. Riot Act
  10. I've always been a fan of Pearl Jam and really liked the s/t album. In fact, I would say "Come Back" is probably my favorite Pearl Jam song. Probably not a popular choice, but, oh well.
  11. First of all, rating conferences is stupid and pointless. All of them have good teams and bad teams. Some are deeper, some are stronger at the top. None of it matters and I'll never understand why an SEC school's fan base would start chanting "S-E-C" after winning a game. Really? Who cares? Secondly, basing these ratings on the results of bowl season is equally absurd. None of it has anything to do with conferences and everything to do with individual teams, matchups, a long layoff, etc. It's practically a completely new season. And all of this talk about Texas' win in the Fiesta Bo
  12. For me, it's Diet Pepsi, iced tea, or coffee for the most part. And anyone that tells me Coke tastes better than Pepsi is just proof that they have been hoodwinked by a masterful marketing campaign over the course of their entire lives. Because it really isn't even close. (Especially the diet versions.)
  13. Are you serious? Or are you just being hyperbolically argumentative?
  14. To me, the San Diego Chicken is a comic icon.
  15. No, I understand. However, my venom is reserved for Oklahoma and A&M fans who have lost all sense of logic, reason, or decorum.
  16. Well, I have to admit that when they showed the Texas band on TV, I started to get excited. And when I saw Eddie George and Barry Switzer in the studio doing "analysis," my anger levels reached a fever pitch. By kickoff, I was as pumped up for the game as anyone.
  17. Oh well. I don't really understand the school he chose to attend having that much bearing on one's animosity or hatred of a person. For instance, should I really hate Adrian Peterson, Tommie Harris, Dante Hall, or Shane Lechler (to name a few)? It just seems silly to me.
  18. Hmm...douche bag...interesting. I don't get that at all. Then again, I don't have irrational hatred for people I only know through television. Yeah, that commercial is still cracking me up. In fact, I can't think of one that he has been in that I didn't think was good.
  19. I just don't get the hatred for Peyton Manning and Brett Favre. The perils of being really good, I guess.
  20. I wish I could get excited about the Fiesta Bowl, but my apathy towards bowl season has even affected my usual zeal for a Texas game.
  21. I have three books I definitely want to read at the beginning of this year: A Partisan's Daughter - Louis de Bernieres Alphabet Juice - Roy Blount Jr. John Lennon: The Life - Philip Norman My biggest problem is finding the right time to start a book, because I want to be able to finish it quickly, rather than lose track of it (which happens too often).
  22. I only wish that I liked the Bon Iver album enough to include it on my 2008 list.
  23. Actually, I doubt that's the case. My guess is that people who refer to it as a 2008 release didn't get to hear it (or learn about it) until it was released by a label in 2008. Then, these same people who heard it then also really liked it enough to want to include it on their "ultra-important" end-of-year list for favorite albums. Regardless of the "overwhelming evidence" from certain people that they were not allowed to put it on their list. Now excuse me while I go enjoy my "expresso."
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