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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. We really do live in an instant-gratification society. Nothing wrong with patiently waiting, especially when you can listen to a stream of the song online.
  2. Two highly-anticipated albums from artists coming off stellar debut albums, released within a few weeks of each other, and both incorporating similar styles (of course, there are obvious differences). I think the comparison is warranted. Especially since I found the Fleet Foxes album to be a supreme disappointment, and Bon Iver to be better than For Emma.
  3. Sorry, I don't mean to tear one album down in order to build up another. I just thought the comparison was apt.
  4. Ridiculous review. Especially in light of his praise for the hookless and tuneless Fleet Foxes album. I'm a little surprised that this album is garnering some backlash. I guess it's inevitable, though.
  5. I love it. It picks up right where the Blood Bank EP left off. I've liked each release of his more than the previous one.
  6. Cougar Town used a couple of National songs in key scenes, too. Very effective.
  7. There were a lot of times when you couldn't even keep up with some threads. Doesn't matter, though. I'll still be here.
  8. Anything that draws a Television comparison is worth listening to. Looking forward to it.
  9. I guess I take for granted the vast number of great Mexican food places here (Tex-Mex and Interior).
  10. Got home today. Thanks for the well wishes. Will be on blood thinners for a while.
  11. Sitting in a hospital bed in Fort Worth wondering if there is anyone else who has had to deal with this.
  12. I didn't like it. But I've got a couple of friends who love the Kurt Vile album, too. I might have to give it another try.
  13. I see your point. I guess I'm just lamenting the fact that even with 25 albums I like, there's nothing at the top. Nothing that I'll be reaching for months from now. Plus, a lot of my favorite artists have put out disappointing efforts this year, with MMJ just being the latest. After listening to their entire catalog of mostly great albums, Circuital pales in comparison to even the lesser ones. Hopefully Bon Iver can break the slump.
  14. There have only been a handful of albums I would say I love, and a few more that I like a lot (probably in the 25-30 range total), but I wouldn't call that a good year. Especially since beyond that, everything has been pretty uninteresting or just bad.
  15. Finally listened to this. Unfortunately, it's pretty terrible. Overall, it has been a pretty abysmal year for music (with a few exceptions, of course).
  16. Black Joe Lewis & the Honeybears - Scandalous Isn't bad.
  17. I heard "SexyBack" at a wedding this past weekend and it put me in mind of it. The whole album is a jam. I wish he would come out with another one, although I'm enjoying his acting work. Great talent.
  18. Yes. Heaven forbid someone might sign a contract that was offered to him.
  19. Haven't listened to the new one yet, but I have been listening to the rest of their albums. The Tennessee Fire is good, but a little long. At Dawn is a classic. No question about it. I almost couldn't get through It Still Moves. In my opinion, that album just doesn't hold up. Boring as hell. Z is a classic, too. I still like Evil Urges. It almost feels like a self-contained trilogy, and I like all the different directions.
  20. Listening to the MMJ discography before I can buy Circuital for $5.00 at Amazon when I get home.
  21. It's a Jay Farrar fan. They're all sad sacks and mopey whiners who complain a lot. How else could you enjoy his music?
  22. Thanks for the heads up. I always look forward to a new Joseph Arthur release.
  23. Did anyone watch that and really think it wasn't fake?
  24. I didn't think about the need for high first-week sales. And I've noticed the bonuses that come with pre-ordering. Of course, I'd be interested in the percentage of people who pre-order something who wouldn't ordinarily be buying it within that first week anyway. But that's academic. Even one extra sale makes it worth it, I guess.
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