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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. Why? You would no longer like live music?
  2. Maybe I'm just getting old, but my days of wanting to stand up and "RAWK" are over.
  3. For something to be beautiful, it needs to move me or affect me in some way. Despite the lushness and harmonies of this album, I'm left cold with no connection to it. I also don't think the melodies are very strong at all. And the harmonies feel tacked on as a way to move each song along, rather than something organic and natural.
  4. Well, I guess I'm closer to the NME review. This is terrible. Very disappointing.
  5. There is also the town of Pampa in the Texas panhandle. I was confused, though, that there would be that many Pampans in Mobile for a show.
  6. What are "pampas fans"?
  7. I'm not discounting the loss of any innocent lives. The loss of any life is tragic. But I do find it ridiculous to compare the U.S. to bin Laden and then decide that the U.S. is worse.
  8. I remember a lot of chatter earlier in this thread about Pecknold's bad lyrics. But most of the very positive reviews I've read are really focusing on how good the lyrics are. Anxious to hear this one.
  9. No. Just the implication that we are no better, or even worse, than bin Laden.
  10. I never heard that bin Laden was the one hiding behind her, just that she was killed in the raid due to being used as a human shield.
  11. So we've reached the point where we can't trust anything now? What would be accepted as 100% true? I don't really understand the need here for government to engage in subterfuge. Obama made the call and we got him on his watch...why shouldn't he get enormous credit for it?
  12. Nice speech by Obama. I keep thinking about the very high level of special forces that carried this operation out. Those boys are some bad Motherf---ers.
  13. Same here. Very sorry to hear the news. My wife's friend is a teacher and a lot of her students lost everything. We just packed up a box full of clothes, food, toothpaste, etc., to send out there. Just stuff she said a lot of kids need.
  14. Cal Berkeley has been reporting its monitoring data pretty much nonstop since the incident. Again, it's something to keep track of, but some of Sparky's links contain this conspiracy-minded or apocalyptic tone that only serves to discredit the source. The government's lying to us. This is not a drill -- protect your loved ones. The world as we know it is over. There was one headline that said the levels of milk in Hawaii were 2,000X the acceptable limit of drinking water!!! Well, there are different standards for milk and water based on consumption levels over various periods of time.
  15. Just how many more posts are left in the great "Highly Suspicious" debate? Has any other non-Wilco song ever been discussed this much?
  16. Finally had time to look at this. 1, 3, 5, and 9 were all very tough choices for me. 1. I Am Trying to Break Your Heart 2. Hell is Chrome 3. Radio Cure 4. Muzzle of Bees 5. I'm Always in Love 6. Handshake Drugs 7. I Got You (At the End of the Century) 8. How to Fight Loneliness 9. Hotel Arizona 10. Poor Places 11. Reservations 12. The Late Greats 13. Too Far Apart 14. In a Future Age 15. Candyfloss My honorable mentions in the tough slots: 1 - Misunderstood, Sunken Treasure (two of my all-time favorites beaten by my number one Wilco song) 3 - Spiders, A Shot in the Arm, Impossible Germa
  17. The internet sucks because of some stupid people on a message board?
  18. I listen to full albums, too. I don't skip any songs.
  19. No, I think there is more to it than that.
  20. huh? So, to use an earlier example, Thomas Kinkade paintings are not "crappy"? Everything has artistic merit as long as someone likes it?
  21. I'm confused. Is everyone even talking about the same thing? I think the people that say that art is only as good as the one perceiving it are usually trying to justify the fact that they like something pretty crappy. Whether you like something actually has little bearing on the quality of the art. It just happens to be your preference. For instance, I can recognize that there are many talented jazz musicians who have made some very fine music. But I don't really like to listen to jazz. That doesn't mean that jazz music is not good art. The converse of that is also true. I enjoy wat
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