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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Don't forget the Eddie Van Halen frankenstein model... http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/EVH...itar?sku=513703 $25,000 Or the Joe Strummer, Or J Mascis both of which are far more affrdable.
  2. I love the Ramones, but no way are they better than X. No way. My son's school has a small talent show each year and the year this came out his class had done What a Wonderful world for chorus. He took my CD of Joey in and sang Joey's version. Needless to say his teacher had never heard the version before. My son was 7 at the time.
  3. Is Luther in the band? Or just on the record? NMAS have shows scheduled through December and have a new one coming out in January. Also on their site they make no mention of Luther leaving NMAS or of him being a member of the Crowes. They just note that he is recording with the Crowes. I'd like to see Luther play for the Crowes and stay in NMAS.
  4. The pockets containing the CD's are very tight and cover the cd's entirely. You really have to dig the discs out or turn the set over and tap them out, which I imagine will eventually wear out a corner of the package. I imagine eventually I will be ripping them accidentally to get the discs out. In contrast the new Song Remains the Same reissue also has very tight pockets but at the top of the pocket there is a cutaway which allows you to more easily extract the discs.
  5. This set sounds pretty good to me and my one complaint is the packaging as the discs are near impossible to easily remove from the packaging.
  6. From the Tribune today... Radiohead fans freely enjoy group's new album By Eric Benderoff Tribune staff reporter November 5, 2007 Given the choice of whether to pay for music or grab it for free, people are overwhelmingly opting for the free model, according to a study to be released Monday. For 62 percent of the people who have downloaded the British band Radiohead's "In Rainbows," the cost to purchase the critically acclaimed music is nil, according to Internet tracking firm ComScore Inc. The other 38 percent of buyers paid an average of $6 for the music, well below the typical $
  7. Whether you believe it is torture or not the sad thing about this issue is the fact that our leaders seem to be continually splitting hairs and giving us reasons why torture (oops, enhanced interrogation methods) is good all the while loudly proclaiming that we don't torture and what we do is legal. They are trying to get as close to the line as possible without going over, yet they will not define the line or even talk about what crossing the line is. This is in such contrast to what I grew up knowing and that is that there was a bright line, a well defined line that we would not even appro
  8. I didn't really post this to start a bitch fight over the quality or lack of quality in the current Burce release. Nope my intention was more along the lines of what the f@#* is wrong with Radio these days. i.e. when a very few corporate entities control the content of what we hear nationally it is a bad thing. It takes all the regional tastes and quirks out of the market. For instance way back in the day when stations would do their greatest song listings most woul have Freebird or Stairway at the top of their lists. Through the quirks of their local markets Seatle seemd to always have G
  9. From Foxnews... Bruce: Magic Refused Radio Play Bruce Springsteen should be very happy. He has the No. 1 album, a possible Grammy for Best Album of the Year for "Magic," an album full of singles and a sold-out concert tour. Alas, there
  10. Anyone got any tips or tricks to offer on transferring DVD's to my Ipod?
  11. I've watched about half of this so far. I'm a petty fan and have enjoyed it. But to me it very much has a feeling of Deja vu as it seems to be made in the mold of "No Direction Home". I understand both are documentaries but it seems to me like a great director like Bogdanovich would be able to put a little more of his own stamp on the show. Am I wrong here? (that is a rhetorical question)
  12. Since you are in Chicago, seek out a Binny's Beverage Mart and ask the beer guys there what they have. I'm pretty sure they will steer you in the right direction.
  13. Wilco to me two ways... 1) Went to school with Jay Bennett, even had his mom for a teacher in elementary school. 2) A good freidn used to be on Jeff's soccer team. Once gave him a huckleberry hound figure. They lost touch a bit when my buddy ended up going to Althoff (sp?) & Jeff went to the public school.
  14. Ok here goes... OK here goes...REM invented the internet college radio. As a result Sonic youth could make their record in NYC. The Pixies from Mass had to form to counter the NY sound. (Kind of a Red Sox/Yankee thing). Nirvana was accused of ripping off the pixies. Here in this thread Nirvana was accused of borrowing from UT, UT begat Wilco, and Wilco has at times been accused of trying to be a US version of Radiohead who opened for REM on tour once so we come full circle. Thanks for the Marriage proposal, but I
  15. You're right I was thinking of the horrific image of him on stage during the last tour I saw (99? maybe)
  16. 1) I have that book too and 2) Two years is plenty of time to increase your size considerably. (Nebraska 1982, BITUSA 1984) Clarence did it at the buffet table though. You gotta work out to make the juice work, otherwise...
  17. Should his record sales for BITUSA and his tour reciepts for that period be marked with an * for this?
  18. died today in 1973. I was 13, that's a long time ago.
  19. Ron Paul is too intelligent and principled to become president. He is a traditional republican/libertarian who actually believes in and votes the small/less intrusive government way. This is very contrary to how the republican party operates today. I think the fact that he is less partisan than any republican out there, while appealing to me it will kill his chances in the long run. Look what happens to politicians who say that they need to be more inclusive (I'm thinking Arnold) they get hammered for not toeing the party line. So there is no way the Looney right 25%'ers will ever vote
  20. Not the Icky Woods thread I was looking for.
  21. RIP Keith Moon. and four years ago today Warren Zevon passed.
  22. The last couple of days have been a treasure trove of bushisms. The other day he wished everyone a happy Rosh Hashanah, but it starts next week. At the APEC summit he thanked Australia for hosting the OPEC meeting. He also talked about the Austrian troops in Iraq even though there are no Austrians only Australians, and he was in Australia at the time. Good times.
  23. According to Roadshow Brutus was unable to travel through the US with Peart because of the newly emerging criminal troubles. So fo the US leg of the tour he traveled with his security guy with Brutus joining him for Canada and Europe.
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