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ms. yvon

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Everything posted by ms. yvon

  1. THANKS EVERYONE!!! i had a swell birthday weekend, that was strangely devoid of bacon! wtf? honestly? still: saw the simpsons movie friday, answered phones for a radio station pledge drive (free food!), had sushi and champagne with neighbors, got a pedicure, drank my weight in cappuccino, bought the new mavis staples album, read, walked around in the fucking beautiful weather (!!!)...all in all a wonderful way to ring in the new decade. i have finally had time to hit the forum as my work computer is dead dead dead. alas, more vc for me! thanks again for the well wishes pe
  2. the quake woke me up, i jumped out of bed, put on my slippers and thought, "i am not ready for this."
  3. "wotta crew. i mean to say, wotta crew." --Bertie Wooster WOW! what an assemblege! jen, your smile couldn't be any bigger!
  4. i'm a big fan of "the convincer." kind of snuck up on me, this one. bought "at my age" when it came out. am now waiting for some show dates in the los angeles region... "that hungry little dachshaund!"
  5. holy hell. LUCKY BASTARDS!!@ man. fucking awesome.
  6. beth, from those pix i think i remeber that photographer in the crowd. lovely pix! brianne, just watched your whole wilco slide show. duing those pix of jeff & pat at shelburne i started hearing impossible g. in my head. woo! the show with nels in the foreground and jeff leaning back toward glenn is fantastic! is the venue with the wooded background north hampton? man oh man. how beautiful!
  7. leave those monkeys alone. they got problems of their own. "someone please remove these cutleries from my knees.."
  8. yesiree! also...he's at the hideout on the saturday of that weekend...
  9. si! also: each time i've seen them they've played something i've not heard before.
  10. yes, ma'am! no virtual show fantasy here. unless you're into that kind of thing.
  11. well? anyone going to be at the el rey show weds?
  12. dude, please keep this under your hat. i'm going to try to get there in time. wish me luck!
  13. !!!!!!! :w00t Jeffrey "don't call me Jeff" Leonard. ahh, the sweet days of The 'Stick.
  14. :love wonderful news! welcome ruby! judy, has miles recommended the blue moon to her yet?
  15. jonesie, check out the reflecting off your cd threads here on the board. that is trader central.
  16. mere weeks away from 40! we are a group of much varied age! neat!
  17. hmm. if i have to miss the first day of ACL b/c of work, maybe i can hit that dallas show...
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