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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Nah...I read your post. I really don't know what it means to be 'arsed'. I guess I have an arse. And I have been called as 'ass' (I'm american and get insulted in the american venacular). Perspective. Have some perspective. Jeff booted Jay from the band partially because he was unhappy. He has rejected experimentation for experimentations sake. (No more of the 'deconstruct the song' silliness). He seems to be happy with the band and its performances NOW. If you aren't, maybe the problem is not one that you will have a happy reconciliation with. Covers should be special occassions...if th
  2. Let me see if I got this...you think Jeff Tweedy is a great songwriter but you want him to do more covers. The internets...gotta love it.
  3. I really got a laugh with Wilco opening their set with BBN. What a 'fuck you' to the faux country crap before their set.
  4. Cryptique's codicil to Godwin's Law: Any iternet discussion of a current or former flavor of the month band will inevitably lead to the use of the phrase 'indie hipster' in defense of said current/former flavor of the month band. Cryptique's second codicil to the Godwin Law: Every internet discussion about bands and their growth will lead to the use of the term 'fanboy'.
  5. After seeing the levels of humanity at the Palladim in Dallas, I can say that I don't fit in with the Wilco fanbase in you perfect little world. I'm pushing 50 and it's pushing back hard. I wear cargo pants. I wear baseball hats when its cold. The hair I have is decidedly grey. I need earplugs because of 30+ years of abuse. AND I LOVE THIS BAND. Even with the hipsters and the douches running amok at the shows, I will make the effort to be there. I had one of the best concert experiences of my life at the Palladium...even having to fight through the iphone recorders, cools throwing elbows ar
  6. That's what I love about the internets. Let's navel gaze and worry about something that MIGHT happen.
  7. Interesting to note also that the only people I saw firing up the friendly herb were bald and greyer than me. Boomers are the scourge of the earth (speaking as a boomer).
  8. Folks are really starting to take for granted Wilco's fan friendly policies even ALLOWING cameras into venues not to mention their Dead-like tolerance of recording of shows. If the douches keep pushing the boundries, it is not an unforseeable step to see recordings banned. Then we will have to live with the shitty audience sneaked recordings that one gets for most other artists.
  9. I used to have a rather neutral position on the taking of pictures and videos at concerts. Then I stood behind a douche who held up his stinking iphone taking 45 second video captures all night long. Hey...don't worry that your arms and iphone may be blocking the view of people behind you...you NEED that 45 second crappy video with horrible sound to validate your life. And there were dozens of people doing it...no wonder Jeff is starting to get pissed off. Maybe I'm just getting cranky in my old age, but the douche factor at the Dallas show seemed inordinatley high. Between the guy pas
  10. I might say here But instead I will next time break out my scarf, skinny jeans, put on eyeliner. No I won't. I'm 50 years old. I wear fucking cargo pants.
  11. I hope you were paying attention to Jeff's rant tonight (in Dallas)... I think he's tired with internet whiners
  12. The Beatles are simply beyond any judgement or analysis. They are ICONS. There was nothing like them before and there has been nothing like them since. Transcendent. They changed EVERYTHING.
  13. The same setlist only matters if you see every show.
  14. These kind of media driven rivalries are nothing new in music. Remeber the Beatles vs. the Stones?
  15. Same with my distaste for Harold Baines...didn't stop the bobster from chewing my ass out.
  16. Better yet, you go as Roman Polanski and your friend as the 13 year old girl? Or Pappa John and Michelle Phillips? Boundries dude...you need boundries.
  17. While I have stated earlier in this thread that KISS 'sucks ass', I agree with the Hard Luck Woman choice. And would go for a Got Nothin' to Lose too. KISS always seemed cartoonish and insubstantial. The played nice, catchy hard rock and tried to pull off menacing air. Like they wanted to be Black Sabbath but ended up being Slade.
  18. Watch out...you'll attract the wrath of bobbob (he doesn't like people being 'hated')
  19. Taking the boy to see Wilco at the Palladium. This will be our second Wilco show and his third show ever (also took him to see Springsteen...spoiling him for life). Got really jazzed when I heard that Liam Finn will be opening. I am really excited about seeing Eliza-Jane and Liam. Tried to get the presale tickets to get up front...but, as usual, no luck there. We will be on Nels side by the column. Hope it doens't rain...we'll be there really early. That's the way I roll.
  20. 'Sucks ass' may be a little harsh. But I never took KISS seriously. The always seemed to be a band that young kids and/or girls who knew nothing about rock music liked. Like they did't know what a real band was and settled for the novelty act with the guys in makeup and the one dude with the big tongue. On second thought...'sucks ass' may really hit the mark.
  21. Wow...this could be a real coup for me...a Dallas Stars/Wilco fan. However, I don't think I will enter. I sense bad karma could be at play...
  22. I don't view albums like this. I view albums the way I hope the artist does: as a part of a singular message. Since bands stopped producing singles and albums became the medium of expression, it seems like there will be ebbs and flows. I simply hope that the artist has a vision. While I may not like "That's not the issue" or "Kingpin", I can't imagine the records working as well as they do without them being presented as the artist intended. I fell into that trap with Springsteen and the various outtakes of The River. Not to say I don't enjoy reading what other people think, I simply fin
  23. I really admire that Willie, Neil and John have not abondoned the fight to keep family farm issues in the public eye; but the concert has become a bit of a parody. Unknown bands, whisky guzzling trailer trash chick, earnest indie rockers and aging/aged music stars. The music isn't the point...it's the raising of awareness of the issue (factory farms and corporations undercutting the family farmer). But watching Neil onstage with Willie was PAINFUL. And Gretchen Wilson...sweet fancy Moses! This issue should see the involvement of more high profile artists...and it is a shame that this iss
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