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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Why? Because it offends you sensibilities? Howlin' Wolf (66), Muddy Waters (70) and John Lee Hooker (83) played right up to the end. And I say...why the fuck not keep playing until you kick...
  2. I am a 48 year old man with two teenage kids. I rarely attend concert anymore (make exceptions for Springsteen). I am reposting this as I think you might find it of interest. I picked D-man up from football practice at 5:00. He was talking a mile a minute (sure sign he was excited). I was excited too, but this ain't my first rodeo. I've been going to shows for well over 30 years. But, this would be my first Wilco show and the first time in a LONG time where I was going to a mid-sized venue with General Admission. With my claustrophobia...well, let's just say I was feeling edgy. He sho
  3. A minor heart attack is a heart attack that happens to somebody else...
  4. Any suggestions? Was thinking about taking him down to the GUITAR CENTEr and get some advice there...
  5. I was under another username...although I can't remember what that avatar was (which is why I recreated this one...)
  6. You must not remember George Rogers winning his Heisman if you think Tebow is the worst ever...
  7. LOL...Carlos is a great guy. Tom Hick's team is an unmitigated disaster.
  8. No But sometimes it's fun to engage in the 'whose penis is bigger' contests that awards shows represent.
  9. 51 touchdowns is...well...51 fucking touchdowns
  10. you could be right on the year...and it WILL be great for both schools...
  11. Really don;t think you want the kind of epiphany I had or what caused it...
  12. I officially became Clark Griswold...I blew out three fuses
  13. And you'll be playing us (Texas A&M) at Jerry Jones' new stadium for 8 years starting in 2010
  14. You know...i almost mean every word of what I wrote...
  15. You folks from Ar kansas will get NO sympathy from me. Frank Broyles destroyed the Southwest Conference when he took Ar Kansas to the SEC. You guys haven't won shit since. Too bad.
  16. You could regard ain't as a colloquialism seldom found in business conversations. Ya'll is simply an attempt at the second person plural (for which the English language does not have an equivalent). Ya'll is akin to 'Youse guys" and 'You guys'. It's just easier to portray 'Ya'll' as being the provence of the ignorant because it is usually said with a southern accent. I abhor the homogenization of our language. The richness of regional dialects and colloquialisms should be celebrated, not scorned. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'I could car
  17. Just got Band of Horses Cease to Begin... Holy Shit these guys are good...reminds me just a bit of MMJ. I love it when I find something that excites me...
  18. Wrong...they're the Texas Rangers of awards shows...betcha Springsteen will win one.
  19. ...maybe I should have. Afterall, no one here knows me and I am not ashamed of what happened (although I do not talk about it). Let me just say, Life if really pretty fucking good; sometimes one has to have that reinforced for them in a strong fashion. I was strongly reinforced. In October of 2002, I had a manic episode and what is euphamistically referred to as a psychotic episode. I thought I never fully lost control, but it was 'suggested' to me that I needed professional help. I checked my self into a psychiatric facility for assessment and the beginning of treatment. I shared a
  20. You have hit the nail on the head. The easy access to music has cheapened it and not just in a monetary sense. Right now...i have an iPod Nano and a Video iPod filled with songs...a CD collection that I had numbered about 3,000 five years ago, access to the internet which makes bit torrents readily available, and a vinyl collection that still takes up a wall in my office (even though I have severely downsized) and I listen to music less that I did when I was in High School. It might be a change in lifestyle, but when I had to work to find the new Elvis Costello record or when I stumbled up
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