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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. The vid of the guy playing the Hurdy Gurdy solo is great
  2. Very interesting question.I have become more than a bit jaded about music over the years; however, there are a core group of artists that I will rush out on release Tuesday and buy their release.Wilco is one of four now.WilcoSpringsteenU2Dylan heh...like the avatar
  3. Problem is you should never BUY chili...make your own
  4. That's cause we have REAL hamburgers in Texas... If you want good, fresh franchise burgers...go to a Whattaburger.
  5. I thought I was the only one... Hell, the website was even named for this one.
  6. See her picture in a thousand places 'cause she's this year's girl. You think you all own little pieces of this year's girl. Forget your fancy manners, forget your English grammar, 'cause you don't really give a damn about this year's girl. Still you're hoping that she's well-spoken 'cause she's this year's girl. You want her broken with her mouth wide open 'cause she's this year's girl. Never knowing it's a real attraction, all these promises of satisfaction, while she's being bored to distraction being this year's girl. Time's running out. She's not happy with the cost. There'd be no dou
  7. It may be your opinion, but I give it as much creedence as arguements about creationism. Age means nothing. Muddy Waters and John Lee Hooker were kicking it until they kicked the bucket. ...have you ever heard Motley Crue?
  8. ...Print media is dead. RS has become the very thing that it once stood in opposition to: a bloated, self important, card carrying member of the MACHINE.
  9. Because every right thinking, scraf wearing hipster type KNOWS that LCD Soundsystem, Muse and Gogol Bordello are rock 'n roll future. Why does anybody even pay attention to RS anymore?
  10. Killing in the name of! Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses Some of those that were forces are the same that bore crosses Huh! Killing in the name of! Killing in the name of And now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya And now you do what they told ya And now
  11. I still smell tobacco on my fingers My breath reeks of pot and wine and sex My eyes open up like they haven
  12. Some prayers never reach the sky Some wounds never heal They still say someday the South will rise Man, I want to see that deal I don't want to grow old gracefully I don't want to go 'til it's too late I'll be some old man in the road somewhere Kneeling down in the dust by the side of the Interstate I am a renegade I've been a rebel all my days I am a renegade I've been a rebel all my days We were hopelessly outnumbered It was a lost cause all along But when we heard the bugles call We swore we'd stand or fall together right or wrong We ain't seen no reconstruction here Just
  13. She has the mannerisms down pat...plus David Cross as Alan Ginsberg is inspired casting.
  14. I love Springsteen and I love Wilco/Tweedy...but I think this would be a disaster in one sense and wonderous in another. Disaster: Springsteen has really taken to oversinging (i.e. throaty singing and screaming) and twanging plus he has really fallen in love with twangy singing. Wondrous: I think it would be a spark for Springsteen to discover his songwriting voice again. Jeff would benefit because...fuck...it's Bruce Springsteen he would be touring with.
  15. Did you (the generic you...not you in particular Mr. Rain) think it was a reflection of parenting when Jeb Bush's daughter got rolled up in a xanax prescription forgery arrest? I imagine more that a few of you expressed glee at Noelle Bush's addiction and arrest. We are WAY too caught up in schadenfreude.
  16. Sad thing is, it's probably not even the worst trade in the history of the Ranger's franchise. A-Rod produced a lot of empty numbers when he was with the Rangers...disappeared in the months of April and May and then produce when the Rangers were out of it. However, he has been a stand up guy for the Yankees. One of the best shortstops to ever play the position moved to third to keep Derek Jeter happy.
  17. was a demarkation point between my pal Dancin' Joe and myself over Wilco... He was really tied in...He got me a copy in the early part of August. (The CD was (mis)titled Yankee Foxtrot Hotel... He described it as more of 'that Tweedy and Bennet noise stuff' and I heard it as being sublime.
  18. Bruce Springsteen with Little Feat (circa 1976 )
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