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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Me...I like this better. Southern and Goddamn proud of it.
  2. Hmmm..the ED support group discussion I was expecting....
  3. Sure this was probably after they were in their prime...But I love the X version of this song She's waitin' for me when I get home from work oh, but things just ain't the same She turns out the light and cries in the dark won't answer when I call her name On the stairs I smoke a cigarette alone Mexican kids are shootin' fireworks below Hey baby, it's the Fourth of July Hey baby, it's the Fourth of July She gives me her cheek when I want her lips but I don't have the strength to go On the lost side of town in a dark apartment we gave up trying so long ago On the stairs I smoke a ciga
  4. I take that back....The Polyphonic Spree has a new one out as of the 19th.
  5. I have one thing to ask of my Canadian friends: If you are going to start killing (or even being mean to) US American tourists in an attempt to forstall this SPP stuff, could you wait until AFTER my vacation to the Canadian Rockies? And anyway, would it be SO bad to joined with us? After all, we gave the world Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Chuck Berry, The Supremes, Jenna Jameson and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream. I mean, we're really nice folks once you get to know us...for the most part.
  6. Guess I'm getting old. Ain't excited about nothing coming out. Peace werd
  7. Dude...a lid and a half? You're lucky this ain't 1972.
  8. Going to Banff in the Canadian Rockies for a week in September.
  9. I hear ya on this about VU, but I find it a bit condescending.
  10. I have each family member identified by an dividualized song: MagicKristen (my 17 year old Daughter) --- DMX's PARTY UP (Ya'll gonna make me lose my mind up in here up in here) DMan (my 12 year old son) --- Deep Purple's SMOKE ON THE WATER (he's getting into some retro tunes...) Downtown (my wife of 22 years and Companion of 30)---Queen's FAT BOTTOMED GIRLS (If she ever gets wind of this, I am a dead man)
  11. Hell...I can't speak for America. Maybe I'm just taking my country's political future and standing in the world a little seriously. The next President will have a hard row to hoe after the debacle of the Bush years. And if Obama is the man, he needs to be regarded as a man of stature not a figure open to ridicule.
  12. I'm sure that's the perfect place to look for an objective opinion about Eisenhower. lol
  13. I agree with the sentiment, although not the negativity. I've always thought Paul was a very sad individual. His best songs (For no One, Eleanor Rigby, Yesterday) have a sense of melancholy that will overwhelm
  14. Eisenhower had a resume...remember WWII? Obama will struggle to show he's not a lightweight. This stuff will not help.
  15. I wonder if he would do things differently today. However, I bet he hits his knees every night thanking God that GW was elected after him. He is much more fondly regarded now because he was followed in office by a doofus.
  16. ...as a candidate. This kinda stuff is NOT going to help him.
  17. Nothing would more negatively affect his gravitas/dignitas than to court or even acknowledge such foolishness. The guy is running for President trying to prove he has new ideas to offer. Such bullshit like that video will allow people to point to his paper thin resume. He's running for President, not first Rock Star. Clinton tacitly encouraged such attitudes and it allowed people to think of him as being lighweight. Obama is deadly serious and stuff like this will only make his path rockier.
  18. Met her at a friendly little bar down along the coast She said it was her birthday so we had us a nice little toast Drove around for a while, smoked a few cigarettes Took her back to my place, she slipped off her party dress She sat for a while on the edge of the bed just talkin' Loose change in my pocket Loose change in my pocket Pint of gin in my boot cuff, I'm drivin' for a drink and a dance Sittin' on the next stool, miss a little time on her hands Yeah I knew she was trouble, but trouble sure was lookin' fine And when I pulled her close what I knew kinda slipped my mind We lay in bed an
  19. I saw them on this tour...right after I saw Springsteen (if I remember correctly)
  20. It seems really funny now, but in the early 70's ELO had a certain coolness to them. Certainly up until about 1975.
  21. On the road to Basra stood young Lieutenant Jimmy Bly Detailed to go through the clothes of the soldiers who died At night in dreams he sees their souls rise Like dark geese into the Oklahoma skies Well this is a prayer for the souls of the departed Those who've gone and left their babies brokenhearted This is a prayer for the souls of the departed Now Raphael Rodriguez was just seven years old Shot down in a schoolyard by some East Compton Cholos His mamma cried "My beautiful boy is dead" In the hills the self-made men just sighed and shook their heads This is a prayer for the souls of
  22. Not really an outtake...showed up on TRACKS
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