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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. No...it's more Beatlesque to my ears. Abbey Road/Revolver/Sgt.Pepper/White Album.
  2. Don't discount THE BENDS...that is an absolutely stunning record.
  3. You really aren't impressed with THE WHOLE LOVE, are you?
  4. After watching the Phillies last year and the Giants this year, I think I would recommend any major league club to seriously avoid the reality show following your team and win it. Plus, do you think we can now turn on the MLB network or a major league game and not see Brian Wilson and his stupid shit act?
  5. As in it being a joke...it's a matter of scale. (remember...Arcade Fire won album of the year over GAGA and EMENEM; but, that in itself was considered a joke by some) But any band that Jan Wenner doesn't like or had a falling out with will not make the RNRHOF.
  6. I'm not sure if you can compare ANY Wilco records on a thematic or stylistic basis. Which is the reason most of us love the band.
  7. It's going to stay in the rotation until I get it absorbed or get sick of it
  8. We probably should come to grips with the fact that the RNRHOF is a joke. It is a Jan Wenner vanity project/wankfest.
  9. I think you hit the nail on the head here...While W(TA) is a nice record and shines when compared to its competition, it is a weaker WILCO release. While not completely analogous, it is like comparing LET IT BE to the rest of the Beales catalogue. (except that W(TA) isn't that bad and Wilco isn't the Beatles, but you probably get my point)
  10. I'm staying out of it (although this McGuffin character seems to be taking delight in poking at me...)
  11. Life is better when you filter out the background noise...
  12. I know the Red Sox fans here are very disappointed, but what a great last month of the season. The drama of the races was unparalleled. The epic collapse of the Sox and the Braves was shocking, but, give 'em their props: The Cards and the Rays did their job on the field. The 2011 Rays are a remarkable story. They were gutted after last season. Remember the press conference earlier this year? The big story for the Rays? Signing Manny Ramirez and Johnny Damon. LOL
  13. A much needed smile was delivered by perusing the wonderful musings herein.
  14. The bass is more prominent in the mix on this one, but John's bass playing has always been superb.
  15. Not bad...Not bad at all. I read it, got a little different insight. Good work.
  16. Moffat has really emaphasized Rory's inherent heroic nature (the lone centaurion, the whole A Good Man Goes to War stuff)...Also, Rory has been very vocal in his less than rosy take on the Doctor. Unlike the writers of Lost, Moffat hasn't seemed to roll out a plot point just to serve the random plot progression.(even the pirates showed up at Demon's Run)
  17. I really don't have a problem with W(TA). I think it was not the greatest execution of intent, but We are all guilty of that at one time or another.
  18. It is a problematic one, isn't it. D-man was listening to it last night while he was going to bed. I could hear it through the door. The drone can be somewhat soothing. Thebeginning of The Late Greats is really jarring after the drone.
  19. ..it sucks live (JK) Actually Cars Can't Escape was kind of disappointing
  20. It reads like it should have PF's meh numeric rating...and PF's review reads like it should have AVC's grade. Dancing about architecture...
  21. One thing we know for sure...nothing will be as it seems. Unless the intent is to have Matt Smith be the last Doctor, there's going to have to be a helluva twist to all of this. I think the Doctor's room in the God Complex is a obscured key. Also, Moffat has spent the las season and a half emphasizing Rory as a heroic figure would need to have some culmination other than simply being Amy's salvation. Another thing...Amy's roll has been more significant than any other companion that I can recall. I don't think that Moffat's use of Amy's voice over emphasizing her roll as the girl who waits (an
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