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Everything posted by bobfrombob

  1. Trans Canada would have to include Montreal. Maybe even Ottawa??? In the meantime, I'm biting the bullet, hitting the traffic, and seeing night II in Toronto.
  2. I really like Tunnel of Love a lot. I think Lucky Town is also very good. Human Touch has some good songs but I'm not as crazy about it. There will always be discussion about the great single album he could have made if he'd just taken the best stuff off LT and HT.
  3. BitUSA is probably my least favorite Springsteen album. It is likekly all wrapped up in how huge Bruce got at the time but I have never warmed up to that one.
  4. Springsteen episode will be taped this Friday September 25 in NYC.
  5. When they were Music Today, tickets didn't arrive all that quickly.
  6. I'm not up there in Solace numbers but I have seen them enough times to know you have them on the right place on your list. Great live band.
  7. I saw The Exorcist when I was 16 and didn't sleep for about a year and a half. Dead Ringers is pretty creepy. But pretty much any movie about twin gynecologists is going to be creepy. And I only saw it once, and it was years ago, but I remember having a very uneasy feeling after seeing The Man Who Fell To Earth. No idea why. I can barely remember the film at all - just that feeling.
  8. Weakerthans opened? I'm sure it was a splendid night.
  9. Yeah. Love seeing him live. Great player and great performer.
  10. From the earlier setlists I've seen, it looks like they have added Happy and Mystery Dance - I don't think they were playing those earlier. Looking forward to Friday night at Massey Hall.
  11. Which Elvis are you seeing? If this is Elvis Costello and the Sugarcanes, expect Americana/bluegrass/country. Lots of stuff from the new record - Secret, Profane and Sugarcane - lots from King of American, and then assorted things from across his career that fit the above genre.
  12. Me too. And looking forward to seeing Elvis Costello and the Sugarcanes there next week! Likely. And if so, and if you really need to sit together, I could sit in C and you would have a pair in D. See you there.
  13. Fairly frustrating pressale with a somewhat happy ending. Got in pretty much right away - about 9:58 eastern I think. I was offered a pair in floor row D right on the aisle. Bingo! Go through the whole process and it says my card is declined. My "account" name is different than the name on my credit card (Rick/Richard). I think this might have something to do with the decline. But there is no way to change your account name online. I call up and speak to an agent. He can change my name but the tickets are lost. Even thought the system said I had 5 minutes left and 2 more attempts. A
  14. Front Gate is listing the October 15 show - presale on Wednesday the 19th.
  15. bobfrombob


    The Westboro Loblaws in Ottawa has 3 copies.
  16. Meeting Across the River into Jungleland.
  17. Seems like a common practice. I bought tickets for the Costello show at Massey. I kept checking TM and Massey Hall and for the first 20 minutes or so, all I was getting was gallery and the odd balcony. After about 20 or 25 minutes, I pulled up a pair in row 9 on the Massey Hall site. Trying to balance fear and greed, I threw those back, tried again, and pulled up row 4. I checked TM at the same time and they never seemed to have better than the gallery/balcony. Keep checking people.
  18. Molly Ringwald on Hughes: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/12/opinion/12ringwald.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&em
  19. Here's hoping for King of Cartoons, Dixie, Miss Yvonne, and Cowboy Curtis too. I used to drag my ass out of beds on Saturday mornings to see Pee Wee's Playhouse. Welcome back Pee Wee.
  20. "Sick Man of Europe" (one of the song titles from "The Latest") was the name of a band Rick Neilson and Tom Peterson were in - that should have been a trivia question. I haven't hear the latest yet but in the meantime, this is pretty cool: - just let the whole thing play.
  21. Apparently Rick Nielson is a big fan. I think I first became really aware of The Move when Cheap Trick covered California Man. I'm not familiar with the box set.
  22. Some of the European setlists have just been mad. Here's as good a source as any: http://www.backstreets.com/setlists.html I have tickets for the show in Saratoga Springs in August. I also have tickets for the last two shows at Giants Stadium. I'm normally not a big stadium show person but I know a number of people who are attending so it will be a bit of an event.
  23. This is where I would normally say "what the hell is wrong with Ottawa? Or Montreal?" But that seems redundant.
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