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Everything posted by NightOfJoy

  1. Way, WAY too many times. The use of it did nothing to 'connect' with me. It was obviously a shallow and transparent ploy to reach the heart of the nation. Speaking of shallow.........whats wrong with his cheeks? Does he have some sort of syndrome or condition or something? I find his cheeks very distracting.
  2. Whats the tune that goes something like..."...God toasts the lightning...." I like that tune, a lot. Also- Handshake Drugs Reservations/Poor Places Sunken Treasure One by One Kickin' Television California Stars
  3. This week a number of my clients have put a hiring freeze in place.
  4. Not me. I'm waiting for the nod from Ed McMahon. He's got the pulse of the nation at his meaty fingertips.
  5. I graduated from the same University that he teaches at. OMG, I'm tainted by association!!
  6. I was in the northwestern corner of IL this weekend on a camping trip......nothing but farms and little towns........plenty of Obama yardsigns out. I dont recall seeing any McSame signs.
  7. "Surfwise" It was alright. Maybe if I 'got' the whole surfing thing, I would've liked it better.
  8. When is Obama gonna bring up the close association that Todd Palin had (has?) with the Alaska Independence Party? Its an apt topic if McSame is going to toss the Ayers stone.
  9. They should of made a sequel starring Long Duck Dong. Its still not too late. "Donger need rest!" Good stuff, mang.
  10. I wonder if there is any footage of Palin speaking in tongues whilst in the throes of the Holy Spirit. That'd be of interest to me.
  11. Do you think she'd be able to stare down Putin in a "Cuban Missle-like" scenario successfully? By successful, I mean not turning the earth into a cinder. I dont think she has the fortitude or the intellectual firepower to do it. She's about as deep as a puddle on a sidewalk. Being a Christian extremist, I think she just might welcome the chance to launch.
  12. bushCo governed by gut instincts. Look where that got us. An opinion I heard recently.......the only way the GOP could save face due to the last 8 disasterous years is to just give up the presidential race and admit that the last eight years were their fault. In essence, screw bushCo and his legacy.....just dump him into the ash heap of history. They'd be off the hook for all the heavy lifting that needs to take place in the next 4 years to rectify things and get America back into shape. I could almost support that notion. But I like the prospects of an Obama landslide too.
  13. I said it when the lil' man's candidacy for president was announced. Nyah, nyah....beat ya!
  14. Remember the run-up to the 2004 election with all the terror alerts? THAT was fear mongering at its worst. Code Orange!
  15. Very, very true. After her performance last nite, I couldnt help but wonder if the Couric interview was a set up to lower expectations. Knowing the Rovian tactics of the GOP, its within the realm of possibility. If not, perhaps she's just wildly inconsistent in her behaviour. Just what we need, eh? Or maybe it was that list of talking points that she kept reviewing that propped her up. When are we gonna get a press conference (the kind without a preselected, sympathetic audience that bushCo has appeared before for 7.5 years) or two with Palin? I dont think I can handle one more win
  16. Interesting backstory to that one.....Harry Nillson (I think...) was on an acid trip and came to the mighty conclusion that everything has a point......so he had this film made. Didnt Ringo Starr narrate it? Available on Netflix. Not earth shattering but its an ok film for a sleepy Saturday afternoon.
  17. It's a voters duty to stay well informed. I'm not sure how you could have missed Palin's recent interviews, where she demonstrated quite clearly that she is indeed a fucking moron.
  18. Very cool! The Hells Honkies Tape Club got an ad in the first edition......how'd they do that? Them boys must've been con-nected!
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