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El Picador

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Everything posted by El Picador

  1. No love for the left coast. Me sad. Can we trade a couple of the 50 Social D shows we get yearly for one MMJ show?
  2. Ok, I know this picture isn't the most current, but I haven't changed a bit. Just as handsome and photogenic as ever. Tell my mom I said hi. Let her know I look great, I've been eating well, and I even brush my teeth once a week now.
  3. Don't forget... 2 more games tonight.
  4. Mine too. I had Bledsoe and Plummer leading the charge.
  5. One of my favorite Wilco songs. I am also a fan of the 3-2-99 Lounge Ax version. Probably helped make Wilco my favorite.
  6. I have been loving Cold War Kids from L.A. and Tokyo Police Club from Toronto the most lately. Also, a couple veteran groups like Silver Jews and Palace have been getting played a lot round here.
  7. Yes! I finally got around to listening to Post-War and I love it! Now I am going to have to go check out that gig with Mike Watt.
  8. This is actually good news. I would much rather see Chris Thile experiment with some other musicians than play with Nickel Creek. That guy is so good but sometimes you wouldn't know it. Anyone ever heard Mike MArshall & Chris Thile Live Duets?
  9. Yeah, I talked with a couple of them after their gig. Really friendly guys. Great on stage.
  10. Back in April, Joe and I caught these guys opening up for Two Gallants at the Casbah in San Diego. I had enjoyed their set much more than the headliner, but didn't pick up their EPs until recently. Now, reflecting, I am remembering how great these guys were/are. Both of their Eps are solid. Anyone else heard them or fans? If not, I recommend checking them out either live or on CD. The CDs actually do them justice.
  11. The Sox, who are a combined 27-3 vs. the Baltimore Orioles and National League East opponents, fell to 42-54 against everyone else. Wow!
  12. Arizona Cardinals will finish 8-8 and just miss the playoffs.
  13. Thanks for the recommendation. I took my aunt to see this tonight and we died laughing. We both agreed it was one to see again soon.
  14. Who said anything about art? I don't think this film was meant to be an artistic statement. Rather, to give the viewer a glimse of what it might have been like as a rescue worker or family member during this tragedy.
  15. Happy Birthday! And thanks for being the coolest rockstar wife on the planet.
  16. Cutler never really seemed to be able to get it right either.
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