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Everything posted by jff

  1. Did you ever see him with Andy Hopkins on guitar? I think that might have been in the Bowl of Fire days. Andy is a great guitarist I used to see a lot when he lived in Atlanta and played with his insanely amazing band, Flap.
  2. Thanks for the link to your tunes. I'll check it out when i get home.
  3. A lot of musicians fail to talk to the audience during their show. I think this is almost always a mistake, and it's definitely the most common mistake I've seen in the last 20 years of gig-going. A few words between songs goes a long way towards making an audience connect with the performer (and vice versa). You probably already know this since you have some experience playing shows. I just thought I'd throw it out there.
  4. Congrats! What instrument and style of music do you play? Are you a solo act or do you have a band? That info will probably help us give you an idea of what to expect. Here's the Rye bar's myspace page: http://www.myspace.com/ryebarathens You can see some photos, so at least you'll have an idea of what the place looks like and what to expect in terms of a stage, or performance area. I've never been to Rye Bar, but it looks like they have live music regularly, which I assume means they have a PA system and plenty of mics. They'll probably want you to do a soundcheck an hour or so
  5. There's nothing wrong with sounding childish at times. Also, there's wrong wrong with that specific example not appealing to me.
  6. That'd be a cool thread idea. It'd be interesting to compare normal Beatles concerts with the ones when Ringo was sick and they had to use a substitute drummer.
  7. It just sounds too kiddie to me. I wouldn't like it if they sang "gah gah goo goo" either, but it's their song. They can sing what they want. it's not that I can't get over it, I just don't find it appealing. I still like the band and the album.
  8. That's key. Most drummers overplay. One of Ringo's strengths is that he knew exactly how much to play. He didn't just throw in a roundhouse tom fill or a rapid fire single stroke snare roll every four or eight bars. "Good Morning Good Morning"... perfect drum track. Every single note contributes to the song.
  9. Billy Cobham is a sick drummer. He would have been terrible in the Beatles. Is that a question?
  10. I think I agree with that, but it's nothing to do with the new band, and everything to do with lazy music writing and gullible readership.
  11. So far, nobody has pointed out an example of Ringo doing a poor job of playing the drums.
  12. Yeah, i'm listening to it now. Good song other than the chorus.
  13. Too many. Lot's of great examples already. Ringo is an amazing drummer. There is no credible argument to the contrary. I love Ringo's bass drum syncopation leading into the verse of "I Wanna Be Your Lover". "She's a Woman". Ringo could change the entire dynamic of a song just by slightly opening or closing his hi-hats the perfect amount. That takes finesse that most drummers never master. This was a pretty common trait of his playing during their live playing years and can be heard on numerous tracks on the BBC cd. That's Paul playing drums on that one, actually.
  14. Hangul Day - Right or Pleasantly Surprised Looks like I get a gatefold cover.
  15. I'm enjoying the new album, but that choo-choo train song is annoying. From what I understand Dr. Dog has a huge backlog of unreleased song. They should've saved that one for the childrens album.
  16. Tinariwen is the Taureg Sigur Ros.
  17. Uh, yeah, I know. I was just teasing the person who had a problem with She and Him being grammatically incorrect. Anyway, here's a review w/ photos from their Atlanta show: http://www.stompandstammer.com/index.php?o...2&Itemid=66
  18. Maybe you'll be able to. I don't know where they're playing next, but you're in Chattanooga and I'm in Atlanta, so maybe they'll play somewhere close to you before the end of the tour.
  19. Last night I went to see Richard Lloyd and Billy Ficca, guitarist and drummer from Television. I saw Television on their early '90s reunion tour, but that was at the urging of an older friend and was before I knew their music. Anyway, I had read in our local weekly that Lloyd was doing a show and that his band included Billy Ficca on drums (and a bassist who I never caught the name of). The article also stated that they'd be playing a lot of material by Lloyd's old friend Jimi Hendrix. I didn't know if that meant it'd be great or terrible. Turns out is was mostly great. The band c
  20. Damn, that's been Watt's main bass for almost a decade and has been extensively customized to his specs. No way that thing can be replaced. Whoever has that bass is going to have to be REAL careful or they're going to get busted fast.
  21. Yeah, all that... Plus the fact that the loft houses millions of dollars worth of equipment that thieves would love to get their hands on.
  22. I agree. Neil even offered a bogus excuse. He said "why would I waste good material just to say Bush sucks". If he really feels that way, why did he waste good material on "Ohio"?
  23. Yeah, "Change Your Mind" is up there w/ vintage Horse. And Ragged Glory rules.
  24. Really? He's always had an opening act when I've seen him (Blind Melon, Lucinda Williams, Jewel...and before those was the tour that Sonic Youth and Social Distortion opened. I didn't make it to that one, though.) Neil used to be one of my absolute favorites, but I doubt I'll go see or buy anything by him anymore unless it's with Crazy Horse. Sorry Neil.
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