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Everything posted by jff

  1. Wilco! Pretty excited to see them. I skipped the Americanarama and Whole Love tours because I've had a run of bad luck with Atlanta Wilco audiences. I got front row balcony seats for this one, on the end of a row so hopefully the fact that I'll only have people behind me and beside me on only one side will mean the crowd is going to be 50% less obnoxious.
  2. ^^I saw them in Atlanta last month. They've announced another show here in May, so maybe they'll be heading your way again in the Spring or Summer.
  3. Maybe when (if?) I did that it was for a show that wasn't sold out, so they were more lenient.
  4. Brooklyn Vegan has a pretty extensive photo gallery from the show. This forum doesn't let me post links (or quote...no idea why)anymore, or I'd share it.
  5. Interesting, I could've sworn I've gone from reserved seat to GA floor at the Tabernacle before, but I could be misremembering. It would make sense not to allow it, for crowd control reasons.
  6. How did y'all like Jim Campilongo as the opener? I wish they were bringing his group to open the shows in Atlanta.
  7. Looks like a good setlist. I'll be there tonight. It'll be interesting to see how they change up the song choices. I'll be happy if they at least swap out Via Chicago for something else. They've played that every time I've seen them. Good song, I'm just hoping for something I haven't heard as much.
  8. I'm sorry that happened. I've had that happen to me at a concert in Atlanta, too. Twice, actually. There are lots of shitheels in this city, apparently. It's embarrassing.
  9. No. The GOP is like my loser friend who, just when you think he's finally hit rock bottom, manages to dig through those rocks and find another series of bottoms.
  10. How was Girlpool? I find them irritating, but maybe/hopefully they've improved since the last time I heard them, or will improve by tomorrow when I'll see them.
  11. My theory used to be that Clapton was great until he put down the Gibsons in favor of Strats. I've had to rethink that, because his first several albums after Cream were good albums, mostly played on a Strat. I think it was sometime in the late '70s where his guitar sound started to get really sterile, and it's been that way so long that it's easy to forget that his playing had some grit and power to it at one time. Clapton has become the Playboy magazine of guitarists.
  12. Yeah, the cover is nice looking. I think I listened to that record the day I bought it (which I have no recollection of) and never since.
  13. I was flipping through some records yesterday hoping to find some to weed out. I came across the self-titled Dylan cover song record. I had forgotten all about that turd. I guess I bought that during a time when I wanted to own every one of his records. I once intended to listen to all of his records chronologically, one per day. The existence of this record demonstrates what a poorly considered plan that was.
  14. Z Nation. Absolutely horrible on every possible level, but still kind of fun to watch. Mad Dogs. Amazon did a terrible job promoting and describing this series for a full year. The way they described it sounded like a pack a dude-bros on vacation getting in fistfights, but it's actually a pretty compelling show. Also, why would you hide the fact that Steve Zahn is on your show?
  15. It's starting to feel like a GOP debate in here.
  16. That must've been someone else. Vacant Horizon, maybe? I believe he is in Atlanta.
  17. I go to Lunch at 12. I'll walk by there and if I see you I'll introduce myself.
  18. I don't know, but this is the first time I've ever had front row balcony, so if someone's in my seat, they're going to be thrown over the ledge. Or maybe politely asked to leave.
  19. I would've gone to the '89 tour, but they canceled the Atlanta date, or fizzled out before they got here.
  20. This forum won't let me quote anymore (no idea why) but in regard to meeting the band, you might have luck hanging around the venue in the mid-afternoon. When they played Savannah several years ago, we were walking around and we saw Jeff hanging out by the tour bus. We didn't bother him, but we waved from a distance and he waved back. For the Atlanta shows, there's a parking lot right next to the venue, on the corner of Luckie and Spring Streets (aka Ted Turner Drive) where the busses park and bands load in. That's where you'll probably have the best chance of meeting the band. You'll al
  21. They'll run out of meth and oxy soon enough and this will all be over.
  22. I didn't realize Blows and If I Could Only remember My Name were intertwined like that. I put Blows in my weed out pile last year. Hopefully it's still there so I can revisit it. I might decide to keep it.
  23. It's a really good exercise in 6th intervals for guitar, if that means anything to you. Once I get proficient at it, I'm sure I'll come back to it and mine it over and over for my own songs, just like I did after I learned Hendrix's Little Wing.
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