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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. So you're saying Savage Garden was your compromise choice? Ajdskfaskfhmaeetchadrinkaofcherrycola
  2. There's a lot of talk about this article (as well as another) in this thread: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?showtopic=31551
  3. I think any vibes were counteracted when you referred to him as the Hart and Soul of the team.
  4. Ethical ethnics...is that sort of like the 21st century noble savage?
  5. Ol' George liked to trot that out when he was still managing the Yankees.
  6. Tweedy uses biblical allusions in some of his songs. There's a line at the end of Theologians that's more or lessed cribbed from John. He's also written at least two songs with the phrase "god-shaped hole," which is a Christian theological concept. I think it would be a mistake, though, to interpret those allusions to mean he's a Christian or that song x is about Jesus, salvation, etc.
  7. It's also 0% effective at preventing rain delays and earthquakes.
  8. I heard he's going to head the Arabian Horse Association.
  9. Heh. My stepdaughter's school seems to more or less be based on the same social groups--some of the same bands, too.
  10. You'd put them up against the first half of War? I have one of those for War. I don't think it really means anything--it's just some marketing ploy. "Gold plated and 24 bit"
  11. It might be worth noting that ikol took his lumps for a long while.
  12. Since U Been Gone has been listed among the best songs ever on VC. Their description of the phenomenon seems accurate to me. I agree with a couple on the list--Pet Sounds, solo Lennon stuff.
  13. I'm thinking more along the lines of "she's probably as cosmopolitan as one would imagine someone with her pedigree would be. She's likely a genuine conservative, but the knuckle-dragging thing is a schtick to make money." Edit: What Lammy said the second time, basically. I was responding to the gay man comment.
  14. And she apparently is a regular attender of the pride parade. What conclusions can we draw, then?
  15. The players for their faith not being strong enough?
  16. Hmm, but what if the opposing coach realized that it was a fake and couldn't call the timeout in time?
  17. Man, how instant can they get? Here, all along I thought getting them out of the can was the pinnancle of instantude. Are you telling me differently?
  18. What is the deal with that guy? Does he think his opinions will gain more of an audience if he keeps re-registering with new names?
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