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Not sure if anyone one here has mentioned this, but Ryan is on Letterman tonight.


no surprise that he played "two". in spite of sheryl crow it's one of my fave songs on the album. the performance was excellent; i love the cardinals and it's nice to see ryan looking good, adjusted, whatever. can't wait to see him at red rocks in august.


oh, and i'm supposed to be getting my orange vinyl on friday. can't wait.

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:lol still haven't recieved your package?


Not even an email that it has shipped.


And, I have to apologize to MusicToday. It's MusicDirect that I ordered it through. Ah, screw MusicToday too. They also suck.

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Yeah I feel the same way about that album.


i broke out 29 today. i think it's a pretty strong album. one thing that keeps people away, i think, is the length of the songs.


you have to be in a certain mood to hear a lot of long story songs - or i do anyway. sorta like with Dylan's Times They Are...i recognize it's a good album, but i'm not always in the mood to hear mostly all protest downbeat songs with none of his usually humor thrown in.

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you know i'm not getting all the flak that this dude is getting for this album:


halloweenhead is shit and retarded.

it's lame that his watch says 4:20.

his falsetto blows.

this is a safe album.

adams is a terrible human being and he should die.


ok, so i added the last one, but am i missing something here? i'll admit that i don't know a lot of his stuff, but, really america?


jus wondrin.

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Jacksonville City Nights did pretty well though. That got a 7.7


As well it should have because, IMHO, it's the best thing he has released since Heartbreaker. I like RA's work and I have been a fan since the Whiskeytown days. I haven't heard the new record but I will check it out. Glad to hear that he is clean and sober since the article in the NY Times made it sound like he was on his way out if he hadn't cleaned up.

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i like cold roses better than jacksonville. i like cold roses better than easy tiger. i think for me easy tiger and jacksonville are pretty equal as far as my enjoyment.


ups damn well better leave my orange vinyl at my door since i will probably be at work when they deliver tomorrow... sometimes they do, sometimes they leave that stupid sticky note..... and i don't want to wait anymore.

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i like cold roses better than jacksonville. i like cold roses better than easy tiger. i think for me easy tiger and jacksonville are pretty equal as far as my enjoyment.


ups damn well better leave my orange vinyl at my door since i will probably be at work when they deliver tomorrow... sometimes they do, sometimes they leave that stupid sticky note..... and i don't want to wait anymore.


I don't know. Different strokes for different folks as Arnold and Willis would have said. JCN just works very well as a record for me. It reminds me of Whiskeytown and the playing is great. Cold Roses has some great songs on it but I find myself not liking all the songs.

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I have noticed that ryan seems to inspire pretty strong opinions on both sides. Friends of mine that don't like him -- really don't like him. To the point that they think he's a souped up adult contemporary artist who's a complete phony ripping off everyone left and right. On the other hand, friends of mine that don't like Wilco or (insert band name) don't like them but dont seem to have the same passionate hatred. Not that my friends are a proxy for all people that don't like Ryan Adams. But I do think it's interesting.

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