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me neither. A recent argument with a friend included ammo from Robert Christgau: "I asked for Roger McGuinn and got Billy Joel instead."


An insult on about 4 different levels.


One person listens to Sylvia Plath and thinks its fantastic. Someone else listens to it and thinks it's some punk trying to sound deep.

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easy tiger is ok in my book but it's not great. many songs sound like leftovers from previous albums. i listen to it and try to place each song on a previous album. the first song would've been great on cold roses and halloween head could've worked on rock n roll. some sound like love is hell, etc, etc. i do like it better than jcn and 29 at least.


and from an earlier discussion , i don't think he's doing his fake country accent on goodnight rose.

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One person listens to Sylvia Plath and thinks its fantastic. Someone else listens to it and thinks it's some punk trying to sound deep.



but I love a lot of his music, but I can't stand that song.

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but I love a lot of his music, but I can't stand that song.


Not sure if that was a response to what I wrote, but if it was, my point wasn't that everyone that likes Ryan Adams loves that song. Just that the opinions of him and his songs seem to be pretty polar opposite. Some folks love Sylvia Plath and others think it's a transparent and lame attempt at depth that comes off as phony. Maybe you don't fall into either of those buckets, but there do often seem to be two distinct buckets when it comes to Ryan. That's all I meant.

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Yippee! I got my orange vinyl last night and it's pretty sweet. I like the packaging and the DVD leaves something to be desired (only because it is so short...4 songs? I guess that's better than nothing). Does anybody know where the curtain of lights videos are on the internet? I tried youtube but came up empty handed. A download of all of those would be nice too...

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Guest Rufer
Not sure if this was mentioned, but The Onion AV Club has a pretty cool interview with Ryan Adams. Clicky


That's a really great interview. Excellent insight into his process. Also, no classic obnoxiousness in sight. Seemed to try to make amends with Jack White too--after calling him a ponce (whatever that is) years ago.

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ponce - a word with many meanings in the UK. It's original meaning was similar to that of the US 'pimp' but it is used more as a term of general abuse now. If you call someone a ponce you could be indicating that they are very flashy or even a bit camp. The term 'ponce about' ("stop poncing about !") is directed at someone who is aimless or slow especially when the person using the term is impatiently waiting for them. i.e. "Stop poncing about, we've got to be there in 5 minutes !". Another term is 'ponce off' meaning 'to scrounge' and comes from the original usage where a ponce is a pimp earning money from prostitutes. An example would be "Are you gonna ponce off me all night or are you gonna get your own fags?".
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That's a really great interview. Excellent insight into his process. Also, no classic obnoxiousness in sight. Seemed to try to make amends with Jack White too--after calling him a ponce (whatever that is) years ago.

He seemed pretty down to earth and modest during the whole thing. I much enjoyed that aspect of it.

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One thing I can objectively state about Ryan Adams, is that I can't remember any artist that got as much pages on the Wilco board since I use to come here (that doesn't make long ago, but anyway...). I don't know what it means, but the pages aren't especially enlightening either. It's just stuff like "wow, it's his best" - "well, it's his weakest " "I love it", etc...

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easy tiger is ok in my book but it's not great.


That's how I feel about the album, too. I had it on this afternoon and found it didn't hold my attention the way many of his other albums did the first few times I heard them. There weren't any songs I hated, but there weren't any I was in a hurry to listen to again right away. In fact, I let iTunes play through Heartbreaker and Gold, then listened to some Whiskeytown.


That said, mediocre Ryan Adams is still worlds better than the best of many artists. Who knows; maybe this one will grow on me some more.

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I really like Easy Tiger. The band is top notch! I usually need to shift gears when I put RA in the spinner but once his writing slips into my head I return often to reinterpret the beautiful heartbreak of his musings. Pearls on a string is a jangly gem.

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i just picked it up Fri, so i haven't got to listen to all of it yet.

i was surprised at the 38 min album total. this is quite surprising for Adams, as usually he has 50 min + albums - Cold Roses was a double (before someone pulls that card).


Off Broadway - the second part of the song sounds very familiar, like something from the 70's......Fleetwood, maybe?

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Apparently Ryan Adams and Lucinda Williams are headlining a show up at Red Rocks in a month or two. Old 97's are slated, too. Could be worth a trip up the hill. Some coffee fest or something.

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The live version of "Blue Hotel" Ryan is doing with the Cardinals on the current tour absolutely destroys. I love Easy Tiger, but anyone interested in Ryan needs to download the Manchester show right now and take a listen to this. What an amazing voice.

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