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I once walked 15 miles in the snow to see Jeff Tweedy play in a hammock. But the show got cancelled because Jeff couldn't stop getting tangled in the hammock and he fell out. It was rough on everyone.

You've had a hard life. Try some SBS, It'll cheer you up.

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Yeah I love Wilco. If I did I wouldn't have blown like 500 dollars on Wilco stuff over the years. Albums, side projects, and concert tickets out of my poverty (I'm a college student...yeah money's rough.)


I wouldn't have walked 5 miles with a sinus infection to see Wilco at Jazz fest a few years ago.


I wouldn't have waited on a street alone where I could've gotten mugged just to meet the band.


I LOVE Wilco. But I do not love this record.


I'm sorry if I'm coming across as an asshole; I'm kind of bitter about this record. Maybe I don't have a right to be, but I am.

Why do you hate Wilco?

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I once walked 15 miles in the snow to see Jeff Tweedy play in a hammock. But the show got cancelled because Jeff couldn't stop getting tangled in the hammock and he fell out. It was rough on everyone.



LIAR!! it doesn't snow in S.Florida. I should know, I live in Boca.


There is a big difference between saying you dislike something and saying "it sucks, and fuck all those who disagree with me"


No need to scream so much. The negativity on this board is tremendous.

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I once crawled 32 miles with a broken leg and skin cancer to buy a Loose Fur CD. I then had all of the lyrics tattooed on my penis, which I then sold to a homeless man for 45 cents, because that's how much more I needed to buy a ticket to a Jeff Tweedy solo show. At the show I was shot in the face eleven times, but still had a great time.


I have not heard the new album.

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I once crawled 32 miles with a broken leg and skin cancer to buy a Loose Fur CD. I then had all of the lyrics tattooed on my penis, which I then sold to a homeless man for 45 cents, because that's how much more I needed to buy a ticket to a Jeff Tweedy solo show. At the show I was shot in the face eleven times, but still had a great time.


I have not heard the new album.


Oh Jesus heh.


I should've known this would open me up to tons of dissing.


But who cares.


heh...I still have my opinion and there's nothing people can do to strip me of that, and it seems to bother a few members.

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Oh Jesus heh.


I should've known this would open me up to tons of dissing.


But who cares.


heh...I still have my opinion and there's nothing people can do to strip me of that, and it seems to bother a few members.


Nah, I was mocking the fact that you had to defend your Wilco credentials more than I was mocking what you actually said. That guy is being a total douche.


I haven't heard the album, but hey, some people seem to like it and some people don't. It's pretty ridiculous that anyone has to prove that they like Wilco just because they don't like this particular record.

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From this discussion it's clear to me that people who don't like the album just haven't listened to it enough or are too cynical. Furthermore, people who like the album are simply fooling themselves into liking anything Wilco puts out, no matter how bad it is.

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I'm done with the shenanigans. I'm sincerely happy for you that you love the album, and that it moves you. It doesn't move me much at this point, and may not ever. AND THAT'S OKAY.


From this discussion it's clear to me that people who don't like the album just haven't listened to it enough or are too cynical. Furthermore, people who like the album are simply fooling themselves into liking anything Wilco puts out, no matter how bad it is.

I like you.

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I used to work in this factory in Marysville, MI, building mirrors for Ford pick-up trucks. Anyway, I once had this biker dude tell me that he would crawl 100 miles through broken glass and nails just to hear Stevie Nicks pee in a tin cup long distance on the telephone. Now, THAT'S dedication.


Not that this has anything to do with the current argument/exchange, but it made me laugh remembering it.


Anyway, man, this is a good album. I can't wait to buy it. Until then, I'll just have to enjoy these MP3s.


dcd :music

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I'm done with the shenanigans. I'm sincerely happy for you that you love the album, and that it moves you. It doesn't move me much at this point, and may not ever. AND THAT'S OKAY.

I like you.


agreed, thank you for actually responding like an adult.

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From this discussion it's clear to me that people who don't like the album just haven't listened to it enough or are too cynical. Furthermore, people who like the album are simply fooling themselves into liking anything Wilco puts out, no matter how bad it is.

Who will represent the voice of the undecided/indifferent?

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I see everyone donned their monocles and climbed up to the tops of their pedestals before posting, and I just have to say "thank you" to all who did. Anyone who is staying out of the pissing matches is a loser.

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Nah, I was mocking the fact that you had to defend your Wilco credentials more than I was mocking what you actually said. That guy is being a total douche.


I haven't heard the album, but hey, some people seem to like it and some people don't. It's pretty ridiculous that anyone has to prove that they like Wilco just because they don't like this particular record.


Well, I have a sinus infection right now. Maybe that's why I'm reminded of it.


And yeah...I mean...seriously. I don't know.


I'll see you guys in 2-3 years when Wilco seven comes out. Peace. :lol

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From this discussion it's clear to me that people who don't like the album just haven't listened to it enough or are too cynical. Furthermore, people who like the album are simply fooling themselves into liking anything Wilco puts out, no matter how bad it is.



hmm... so now we can't like it or hate it? I'll admit that I was instantly in love with the album the minute I heard it. Something I can't say for Ghost is Born, which took me a few listens to fully appreciate. Of course, this isn't nearly as complex as that record. So I find it much easier to like/dislike.

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