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What's the price of gas where you are?

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Gas is, and will be way toooo much from now on. The only solution is to produce and buy local.In America..the drive me all to hell country, is a bit tough. Want less and you will pay less. Grow a damn garden and drill a darn spring and you will save.Ride a frigginnnn bike 2 work, or walk. I chose to make less and become a massage therapist.I make my own oils and lotions and use very litttle but me own self generated power to make people happy.I do however live for ETSY..homegrown art and love, but not from China!Pick and choose your battles as well as your soaps.



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I'm sure Jay would love to bike to work, but it's about a 30 mile trip each way down roads that are less than bike friendly.


We'd move closer, but we can't afford the housing prices in Ann Arbor, or the taxes. Plus, it's not like you could argue the point that if we lived there, we could get rid of cars and save money that way because we could use public transportation. We live too close to Detroit. You don't really get public transportation this close to the Motor City.

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Um ... why? Their mileage is inferior to many other vehicles the same size.

Buy one because you can sleep in it, pack it full of stuff instead of a truck..and because I think they are cool. Also, they never break down. I have 2 1996 Subies and have never done anything to them other than regular maint stuff. They last forever.That's why.And yes, they do get good gas mileage.Cars that last are better for this planet.I saw an orginal Subie on the road.That's why.Gee, why so down on my Subie comment.I didn't say you HAD to buy one or else.


Suburu lovers unite.

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We just bought a used 99 Civic, and reports showed it got better mileage than our old beater Accord. So far, we haven't been so pleased. :hmm I think it does slightly better, but isn't making a big difference. It's still a nice little car.

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I paid $4.03 for regular just now. My Nissan Sentra gets roughly 30 mpg. I don't have to do a great deal of in-city driving, thankfully.

I agree that gas prices are not coming down, ever. There's no reason for them to, unless a major new source of oil manifests itself somewhere. The ironic thing is that the American lifestyle only works for us if Americans only live it. Once the Chinese and Indians start driving cars and industrializing on a larger scale, well, you are seeing what happens.

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Ride a frigginnnn bike 2 work, or walk.

This argument doesn't work for a large chunk of Americans. It's just an easy, idealistic thing to spit out there when people complain about gas prices. Have you seen the size of this country on a map?

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This argument doesn't work for a large chunk of Americans. It's just an easy, idealistic thing to spit out there when people complain about gas prices. Have you seen the size of this country on a map?


It doesn't work so great for those of us with leg problems, either, or those with other health problems. :monkey

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Yeah, we kind of built our culture since the end of WWII on the assumption we would always have cheep energy.

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Scarlett Johannsen has nice tits.
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Saw $4.79 this afternoon in South Loop just east of Little Italy.



Sad part is... I heard on NPR that the economists have been studying/planning for this for years. They don't expect a negative impact (break point) to the industry (meaning, people seriously curtail their driving habits, or don't drive at all) until the price hits $6.50 (and it will). People complain about it now... but they are still driving as much as they did when it was $3.00 or less.

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