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What's the price of gas where you are?

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I just passed a gas station and saw $4.39.


That just boggles the mind. How are people who have to drive to jobs supposed to survive? Sure makes a powerful case for advancing public transit in this area!


Do you have to drive much, Maudie, or does the excellent public transit in the SF area spare you that?

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it's up to $3.69 for 87 here in DC. it costs over $40 for me to fill up, and I drive a MINI cooper. Thank goodness for 40mpg.


At least we have mass transit here (although the most expensive mass transit system in the country). That doesn't help me much because most of the people I adore don't live in DC. hmmph.

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That just boggles the mind. How are people who have to drive to jobs supposed to survive? Sure makes a powerful case for advancing public transit in this area!


Do you have to drive much, Maudie, or does the excellent public transit in the SF area spare you that?

I drive almost never (bus to work, can walk or transit easily to most places I'm going), so it's not a huge issue for me. When I travel, people often ask me what gas costs in SF, and I usually have no clue, so I'm really lucky that way. :) I only noticed it last night because the woman I was with commented; she drives back and forth to Palo Alto (about 35 miles each way) for work every day.

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I paid $3.53 last night.

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$3.75 in Kalamazoo.


My current pet peeve is the lack of public transportation where I live. I was watching the news last night (or maybe it was the night before) and some yahoo from the US Dept. of Transportation was talking about how more people would use public transportation if it was more efficient and reliable. I think she forgot one other important factor . . . IF IT WAS AVAILABLE!!!!! The nearest bus stop to my home is 10 miles away, or in different terms, 1/2 of the way on my commute. I guess it is one of the drawbacks of living out in the sticks.


/ end of rant

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$3.75 in Kalamazoo.


My current pet peeve is the lack of public transportation where I live. I was watching the news last night (or maybe it was the night before) and some yahoo from the US Dept. of Transportation was talking about how more people would use public transportation if it was more efficient and reliable. I think she forgot one other important factor . . . IF IT WAS AVAILABLE!!!!! The nearest bus stop to my home is 10 miles away, or in different terms, 1/2 of the way on my commute. I guess it is one of the drawbacks of living out in the sticks.


/ end of rant


Sometimes the public transportation isn't great when you live in the city too!


For example I can take the train to work. Cost $14 RT and would take an hour and 20 minutes...


My drive cost $7 and takes 35 minutes...sounds good to me!

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Sometimes the public transportation isn't great when you live in the city too!


For example I can take the train to work. Cost $14 RT and would take an hour and 20 minutes...


My drive cost $7 and takes 35 minutes...sounds good to me!



I'm with remphish on this one. If I drive to work (which sounds insane since I live in DC, but I have free parking as a work benefit), it costs me $1 to drive round trip and takes me no more than 20 minutes. If I take mass transit it costs me $5 round trip and takes anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour and 15 minutes. I live 5 miles from where I work. Even with the metrocard pre-tax benefit, I still pay $2.50 round trip vs. the $1 to drive.


Some may argue the whole car payment, insurance, maintenance factor, but I have to have the car and pay for those things anyway so I don't include them in my commuting calculations.


I am using mass transit these days, but that is mostly because I have a lot of metro fare built up to use that I paid for last year. Although, yesterday, our bus driver told us our bus line is finally getting investigated by the metro authorities because they're finally realizing all the customer complaints of buses not showing up might actually have merit. maybe the time portion will improve, but the $4 difference, that's soup for lunch. but then there's the whole planet killing thing.

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Although, yesterday, our bus driver told us our bus line is finally getting investigated by the metro authorities because they're finally realizing all the customer complaints of buses not showing up might actually have merit.




I wonder what they could be up to?

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Last I saw $3.45/gallon. I don't have to drive anywhere (luckily) so I actually can't remember the last time I spent any of my money on gas. However, my partner has to drive an hour to work everyday...and it's definitely getting expensive for her. Substitute teaching pay doesn't change with gas prices...nor is it particularly extravagant.

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I filled up Monday and it cost me more than the monthly payment on my first car.



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  • 2 weeks later...

A station that is normally one of the cheapest around here jumped to 4.07 the other day. I figured it was only a matter of time before the rest of the stations got their new inventory in and followed suit. Nope, they all peaked a $3.99 and soon the $4.07 place was down to $3.98. The price hikes seem to make it hard to predict which station will be the cheapest. We went to the city that day and prices in Rogers Park (where they should be ~20 cents more because of taxes) were about the same as in Dupage.


I have discovered that a suburban bus route picks up right across the street and has a stop about a mile or two from my work. My new default method of getting to work is to bring my bike on the bus, then bike the short distance to work, then bike back home (which is quicker than the bus in the evening because the bus takes Roosevelt, which is snarled then). This is a bit more workable for me than riding both ways, because it means I don't have to take a shower when I get to work. It also cuts down my carbon emissions from when I was driving ~4 times a week, but sort of raises particulate emissions for all the crap that comes out of the bus. I say sort of because, of course, the bus would still run whether I was on it or not, but my fare increases the economic viability of the route ever so much. Blah blah. The $1.50 fare is a lot cheaper than driving.


Previously I had thought that the PACE buses didn't really go anywhere useful for anyone, but apparently I was mistaken. They don't run that often, but the schedule works for me.

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