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A Thread for Musical Blasphemy you Truly Believe

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Okay, big confession time. Not only do I like Nico's voice, if I had to pick at gun point between any Velvet Underground album and Chelsea Girl, I'd probably take Chelsea Girl. And yes, Royal Tenenbaums is my favorite movie of all time.


Also, I think that based on Box of Rain alone the Grateful Dead are forgiven for any other possible music crimes (even Touch of Grey, which actually isn't that bad a tune in my humble opinion). Phish's Waste also evens them out, and Billy Breathes is a much better record than it'll ever be given credit for.


The Band are better than the Beatles, if you don't count any of the records the Beatles made together, and simply compare the Band's catalog to Two Virgins, Ringo Starr's solo output, George's early 80's albums, Paul's late 1980's albums, and You Know My Name (Look Up The Number). With that being said The Band are great, but after Big Pink and The Brown Album there's a pretty drastic drop off.


As huge as YHF was in my development as a music fan, without hearing Blue Rodeo's Nowhere to Here a few months before, I wouldn't have been ready for it. Nowhere to Here might not be quite as good as I thought it was when I was in high school, but it's still criminally overlooked.


I have a terrible habit of lifting songs from Wes Anderson soundtracks re-configuring them and then giving them as mixes to girls I like, I know this isn't necessarily blasphemy, as unless you're Steely Dan, Wes has pretty good taste, but since we're confessing here-- and since I already tipped my hat with Chelsea Girl, I figured I'd get it off my chest.



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Guest Muncle Douchey

i'd be happy to never hear another Stones song again.


although i think van morrison has some good stuff, i can't listen to him because i always picture his disgusting ass in that purple jumpsuit he wears in The Last Waltz.


i find The Last Waltz udderly boring.


i'd take Trey over any other guitarist ever.


i've always said the Grateful Dead are one of my favorite bands, but i really only like a handful of their songs. the rest bore me.


early 90's rock was rock at it's best.


i absolutely hate eric clapton, layla aside.


the more i think about it, the more i think "living room" shows sound like a terrible time.


i hate people that hate Bob Dylan


i have trouble listening to the Lennon Beatles material these days.


i really don't like Sky Blue Sky much, at all. easily wilco's worst record.


Still Feel Gone may be the best record ever made.


i can't listen to On the Beach

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  Nobody Girl said:
:lol That's just blasphemy, not musical blasphemy.

And if it was the Dave Matthews Band, I would castrate myself.

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i think that anyone who doesn't like the beach boys doesn't really like music . . . or life; and normally i'd be joking if i said that about something to someone, but, in the beach boys case, i think i actually mean it.


i can't really think of anything too blasphemous other than to say english folk music is better than american folk music. but i assume everyone knows that already, don't they?

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  Harry Dean Stanton said:
If you're talking about The Clash when you say folk music, I probably agree.


no, but that could work under the other banner i was going to say which was that as a whole britain makes and has made better modern music than america. and, without question, i am certain america has lost the ability to make good pop music - of that i have no doubt. (although i do have a little bit of doubt about the first thing i said)

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Agreed - "London Calling" was the only good Clash album but it's in my top ten of all time


White Stripes aren't that good and the Raconteurs are Lenny Kravitz for hipsters


Spoon's and Arcade Fire's last albums were both mediocre


Michael Stipe is a pretty fantastic lyricist


Pink Floyd are the worst band ever. The best thing they did was give people something to rebel against


The Ramones should have imploded about the same time as the Pistols


Thom Yorke is a whiner of the highest order but "In Rainbows" is Radiohead's best album


If you know what to look for there are lots of great rap artists around like Brother Ali


This is the best time ever to be a music fan. Thanks to the internet (internet radio, myspace, the proliferation of blogs) there is so much, diverse good music to be found


Pitchfork sucks donkey dick. I'd love to see the people who write the reviews. Self-obsessed, pretentious, self-important wankers


Michael Jackson's "Thriller" is one of the best pop albums of all time


Peace...this has been purging and fun.

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  Harry Dean Stanton said:
Too much on that that doesn't "work." 'Hip Hopera' is nearly flawless.


Well, you know, taste and all that. I love Hip Hopera as well, but being a big Flaming Lips fan, it's hard for me to not think that one is better.


That and I think I get Hip Hopera confused with Q-Unit, a mash up of Queen and the G-Unit which isn't nearly as good.

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M. Ward is overrated and will be forgotten about in 5 years time.


The recent releases by the following artists have been given good reviews/praise not for the actual music but who they once where:

Bob Dylan


The Rolling Stones

Bruce Springsteen


Tom Waits

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"I'm a huge Queen" fan who hardly ever listens to Queen, so I get my fill by listening to 'Hip Hopera' - and I know all of those songs, so yeah, that's probably why I like it better. I don't know much Flaming Lips, but they definitely have a flair for the dramatic, like Queen does, which lends itself well to hip-hop.

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  Harry Dean Stanton said:
"I'm a huge Queen" fan who hardly ever listens to Queen, so I get my fill by listening to 'Hip Hopera' - and I know all of those songs, so yeah, that's probably why I like it better. I don't know much Flaming Lips, but they definitely have a flair for the dramatic, like Queen does, which lends itself well to hip-hop.


Especially Yoshimi, which has lots of breakbeats and synthesizers. It's not a stretch to imagine that as hip hop music, which may be why it was chosen.


I still think none of them are as good as the Grey Album.

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  auctioneer69 said:
Agreed - "London Calling" was the only good Clash album but it's in my top ten of all time


The Ramones should have imploded about the same time as the Pistols


id say if you don't love london calling, you should just give up on everything cause its incredible, and the ramones should have imploded after rocket to russia

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  Harry Dean Stanton said:
Many people love hating The Doors more than they actually hate them.


I don't really care much for the Doors, but they've got some really good songs. Also, 2 weeks ago, my mom had dinner with them and her friend Geoff, who then invited them over to his house and they jammed for about 4 hours. So, you know, can't hate on a bunch of guys that sound extremely cool and gracious.


So, there's my blasphemy. I don't hate the Doors.

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